Modules | |
BaseExcess | |
Excess or deficit, respectively, in the amount of base present in the blood. | |
BloodDensity | |
Mass per unit volume of the blood. | |
BloodPH | |
Measure of acidity or basicity of the blood. | |
BloodSpecificHeat | |
The amount of energy required to raise one kilogram of blood by one degree Celsius. | |
BloodUreaNitrogenConcentration | |
The BUN concentration in the blood. | |
CarbonDioxideSaturation | |
The fraction of hemoglobin that is carbon dioxide bound. | |
CarbonMonoxideSaturation | |
The fraction of hemoglobin that is carbon monoxide bound. | |
Hematocrit | |
Volume percentage of red blood cells in the blood. | |
HemoglobinContent | |
The total amount of hemoglobin in the blood. | |
OxygenSaturation | |
The fraction of hemoglobin that is oxygen bound. | |
Phosphate | |
Sum of all inorganic phosphate in the blood. | |
PlasmaOsmolality | |
The osmolar pressure contributions of the sodium, urea and glucose divided by the mass of the fluid. | |
PlasmaOsmolarity | |
The osmolar pressure contributions of the sodium, urea and glucose divided by the volume of the fluid. | |
PlasmaVolume | |
Volume of the plasma. | |
PulseOximetry | |
The fraction of hemoglobin with bound oxygen as measured optically, which can include Carbon Monoxide. | |
RedBloodCellCount | |
Total number of red blood cells in the blood. | |
ShuntFraction | |
Fraction of the blood flow that bypasses the alveoli; therefore, does not engage is gas exchange. | |
StrongIonDifference | |
Difference between the positive and negative strong ion concentrations in the blood. | |
TotalProteinConcentration | |
The concentration of urea in the blood. | |
VolumeFractionNeutralLipidInPlasma | |
Fraction of the plasma that is made up of neutral lipids. | |
VolumeFractionNeutralPhospholipidInPlasma | |
Fraction of the plasma that is made up of neutral phospholipids. | |
WhiteBloodCellCount | |
Total number of white blood cells in the blood. | |
ArterialCarbonDioxidePressure | |
Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the aorta. | |
ArterialOxygenPressure | |
Partial pressure of oxygen in the aorta. | |
PulmonaryArterialCarbonDioxidePressure | |
Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the pulmonary arteries. | |
PulmonaryArterialOxygenPressure | |
Partial pressure of oxygen in the pulmonary arteries. | |
PulmonaryVenousCarbonDioxidePressure | |
Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the pulmonary veins. | |
PulmonaryVenousOxygenPressure | |
Partial pressure of oxygen in the pulmonary veins. | |
VenousCarbonDioxidePressure | |
Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the vena cava. | |
VenousOxygenPressure | |
Partial pressure of oxygen in the vena cava. | |
Detailed Description
and will be improved in future releases to include more substances that can provide clinician level details and assessments, such as a CBC and blood panel.