Partial pressure of oxygen in the vena cava. More...
Modules | |
ArterialComplianceMultiplier | |
Updates the aorta compliance. | |
ArterialResistanceMultiplier | |
Updates the aorta resistance. | |
PulmonaryComplianceMultiplier | |
Updates the pulmonary veins, capillaries, and arteries compliances. | |
PulmonaryResistanceMultiplier | |
Updates the pulmonary veins, capillaries, and arteries resistances. | |
SystemicResistanceMultiplier | |
Updates the the entire systemic vasculature resistances, excluding pulmonary. | |
SystemicComplianceMultiplier | |
Updates the the entire systemic vasculature compliances, excluding pulmonary. | |
VenousComplianceMultiplier | |
Updates the vena cava compliance. | |
VenousResistanceMultiplier | |
Updates the vena cava resistance. | |
HeartRateMultiplier | |
Updates the heart driver frequency. | |
StrokeVolumeMultiplier | |
Updates the heart driver amplitude. | |
Detailed Description
Partial pressure of oxygen in the vena cava.