

 Instantaneous pressure applied during positive-pressure mechanical ventilation.
 Measure of the difference between the alveolar concentration of oxygen and the arterial concentration of oxygen to assess the integrity of the alveolar capillary unit.
 The volume of unperfused alveoli.
 The total volume of the conducting airways from the nose or mouth down to the level of the terminal bronchioles that does not participate in gas exchange.
 The static relationship between the transmural pressure across the chest wall compared with the chest cavity's volume.
 The work (generally during the inhalation phase) that is stored as potential energy which is recovered during exhalation.
 The fraction of gas in the mouth/nose that is carbon dioxide at the end of each respiratory cycle.
 The pressure of gas in the mouth/nose that is carbon dioxide at the end of each respiratory cycle.
 The fraction of gas in the mouth/nose that is oxygen at the end of each respiratory cycle.
 The pressure of gas in the mouth/nose that is oxygen at the end of each respiratory cycle.
 Instantaneous airflow out of the lungs (negative value when inhaling).
 The total resistance to airflow through the lungs during exhalation.
 The volume of air moved into or out of the lungs during normal expiration.
 The positive pressure intentionally applied to the airways at the end of expiration (i.e., the PEEP setting).
 Fraction of Oxygen being taking into the body.
 (AKA P/F Ratio) The ratio of arterial partial pressure O2 and the inspired O2. O2 level in blood vs. Concentration of O2 in a breath.
 Externally imposed work of breathing (e.g., from a ventilator).
 Externally imposed power of breathing (e.g., from a ventilator).
 The ratio of the length of time of inspiration to the length of time of expiration.
 The instantaneous airflow into the lungs (negative value when exhaling).
 The total resistance to airflow through the lungs during inhalation.
 The volume of air moved into or out of the lungs during normal inspiration.
 The pressure difference across the whole lung.
 The total respiratory recoil pressure relative to body surface.
 The alveolar pressure at the end of expiration - also known as auto-PEEP, air trapping, or dynamic hyperinflation.
 The static measure of the lung's ability to stretch and expand.
 The strength of inspiratory muscles.
 Mean pressure applied during positive-pressure mechanical ventilation.
 Used in intensive care medicine to measure the usage of oxygen within the body and predict outcomes. A lower oxygenation index is better.
 Usage of oxygen within the body and predict outcomes.
 Internally imposed work of breathing from the respiratory muscles.
 Internally imposed power of breathing from the respiratory muscles.
 The highest pressure applied to the lungs (alveolar pressure) above atmospheric pressure during inhalation.
 The sum of the anatomic and alveolar dead space.
 (AKA VD/VT Ratio) The ratio of dead-space ventilation (VD) to tidal ventilation (VT).
 The total static compliance of the respiratory system.
 The inverse of respiratory static compliance.
 The total volume of air within the lungs at any given time above the functional residual capacity.
 The work to overcome the frictional resistance to gas flow due to viscosity during exhalation.
 The work to overcome the frictional resistance to gas flow due to viscosity during inhalation.
 The frequency of the respiratory cycle.
 A measure of respiratory muscle weakness caused by excessive effort relative to the strength and endurance of the muscles.
 Pressure of the muscles that contribute to inhalation and exhalation, by aiding in the expansion and contraction of the thoracic cavity.
 A noninvasive surrogate for PiO2/FiO2 ratio (horowitz index).
 The ratio of the volume of gas entering a region of the lung following an inspiration and the end-expiratory volume of that same lung region.
 The volume of air moved into or out of the lungs during normal respiration.
 The air flow to the alveoli.
 The air flow to the dead space.
 The total volume of air within the lungs at any given time.
 The overall pressure in the alveoli at the end of expiration above atmospheric pressure.
 The sum of the imposed and patient power of breathing.
 The amount of air that enters the lungs as a function of time - can be used for minute ventilation.
 The sum of the imposed and patient work of breathing.
 The pressure difference between the airway opening and alveoli.
 The pressure difference between the alveoli and pleural space.
 The pressure difference between the pleural space and body surface.
 The respiratory muscle driver pressure relative to body surface.
 The pressure difference between the alveoli and the intrapleural space.
 The pressure difference between the airway opening and body surface.
 The pressure difference between the alveoli and body surface.
 (AKA V/Q Ratio) The ratio of the air that reaches the alveoli (ventilation) to the blood that reaches the alveoli via the capillaries (perfusion).
 (AKA V/Q Ratio) The ratio of the air that reaches the alveoli (ventilation) to the blood that reaches the alveoli via the capillaries (perfusion).

Detailed Description

and transfer of gases between the lungs, the blood and the outside environment.

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