Modules | |
AirwayPressure | |
Instantaneous pressure applied during positive-pressure mechanical ventilation. | |
AlveolarArterialGradient | |
Measure of the difference between the alveolar concentration of oxygen and the arterial concentration of oxygen to assess the integrity of the alveolar capillary unit. | |
AlveolarDeadSpace | |
The volume of unperfused alveoli. | |
AnatomicDeadSpace | |
The total volume of the conducting airways from the nose or mouth down to the level of the terminal bronchioles that does not participate in gas exchange. | |
ChestWallCompliance | |
The static relationship between the transmural pressure across the chest wall compared with the chest cavity's volume. | |
ElasticWorkOfBreathing | |
The work (generally during the inhalation phase) that is stored as potential energy which is recovered during exhalation. | |
EndTidalCarbonDioxideFraction | |
The fraction of gas in the mouth/nose that is carbon dioxide at the end of each respiratory cycle. | |
EndTidalCarbonDioxidePressure | |
The pressure of gas in the mouth/nose that is carbon dioxide at the end of each respiratory cycle. | |
EndTidalOxygenFraction | |
The fraction of gas in the mouth/nose that is oxygen at the end of each respiratory cycle. | |
EndTidalOxygenPressure | |
The pressure of gas in the mouth/nose that is oxygen at the end of each respiratory cycle. | |
ExpiratoryFlow | |
Instantaneous airflow out of the lungs (negative value when inhaling). | |
ExpiratoryRespiratoryResistance | |
The total resistance to airflow through the lungs during exhalation. | |
ExpiratoryTidalVolume | |
The volume of air moved into or out of the lungs during normal expiration. | |
ExtrinsicPositiveEndExpiratoryPressure | |
The positive pressure intentionally applied to the airways at the end of expiration (i.e., the PEEP setting). | |
FractionOfInspiredOxygen | |
Fraction of Oxygen being taking into the body. | |
HorowitzIndex | |
(AKA P/F Ratio) The ratio of arterial partial pressure O2 and the inspired O2. O2 level in blood vs. Concentration of O2 in a breath. | |
ImposedPowerOfBreathing | |
Externally imposed work of breathing (e.g., from a ventilator). | |
ImposedWorkOfBreathing | |
Externally imposed power of breathing (e.g., from a ventilator). | |
InspiratoryExpiratoryRatio | |
The ratio of the length of time of inspiration to the length of time of expiration. | |
InspiratoryFlow | |
The instantaneous airflow into the lungs (negative value when exhaling). | |
InspiratoryRespiratoryResistance | |
The total resistance to airflow through the lungs during inhalation. | |
InspiratoryTidalVolume | |
The volume of air moved into or out of the lungs during normal inspiration. | |
IntrapleuralPressure | |
The pressure difference across the whole lung. | |
IntrapulmonaryPressure | |
The total respiratory recoil pressure relative to body surface. | |
IntrinsicPositiveEndExpiratoryPressure | |
The alveolar pressure at the end of expiration - also known as auto-PEEP, air trapping, or dynamic hyperinflation. | |
LungCompliance | |
The static measure of the lung's ability to stretch and expand. | |
MaximalInspiratoryPressure | |
The strength of inspiratory muscles. | |
MeanAirwayPressure | |
Mean pressure applied during positive-pressure mechanical ventilation. | |
OxygenationIndex | |
Used in intensive care medicine to measure the usage of oxygen within the body and predict outcomes. A lower oxygenation index is better. | |
OxygenSaturationIndex | |
Usage of oxygen within the body and predict outcomes. | |
PatientPowerOfBreathing | |
Internally imposed work of breathing from the respiratory muscles. | |
PatientWorkOfBreathing | |
Internally imposed power of breathing from the respiratory muscles. | |
PeakInspiratoryPressure | |
The highest pressure applied to the lungs (alveolar pressure) above atmospheric pressure during inhalation. | |
PhysiologicDeadSpace | |
The sum of the anatomic and alveolar dead space. | |
PhysiologicDeadSpaceTidalVolumeRatio | |
(AKA VD/VT Ratio) The ratio of dead-space ventilation (VD) to tidal ventilation (VT). | |
RespiratoryCompliance | |
The total static compliance of the respiratory system. | |
RespiratoryElastance | |
The inverse of respiratory static compliance. | |
RelativeTotalLungVolume | |
The total volume of air within the lungs at any given time above the functional residual capacity. | |
ResistiveExpiratoryWorkOfBreathing | |
The work to overcome the frictional resistance to gas flow due to viscosity during exhalation. | |
ResistiveInspiratoryWorkOfBreathing | |
The work to overcome the frictional resistance to gas flow due to viscosity during inhalation. | |
RespirationRate | |
The frequency of the respiratory cycle. | |
RespiratoryMuscleFatigue | |
A measure of respiratory muscle weakness caused by excessive effort relative to the strength and endurance of the muscles. | |
RespiratoryMusclePressure | |
Pressure of the muscles that contribute to inhalation and exhalation, by aiding in the expansion and contraction of the thoracic cavity. | |
SaturationAndFractionOfInspiredOxygenRatio | |
A noninvasive surrogate for PiO2/FiO2 ratio (horowitz index). | |
SpecificVentilation | |
The ratio of the volume of gas entering a region of the lung following an inspiration and the end-expiratory volume of that same lung region. | |
TidalVolume | |
The volume of air moved into or out of the lungs during normal respiration. | |
TotalAlveolarVentilation | |
The air flow to the alveoli. | |
TotalDeadSpaceVentilation | |
The air flow to the dead space. | |
TotalLungVolume | |
The total volume of air within the lungs at any given time. | |
TotalPositiveEndExpiratoryPressure | |
The overall pressure in the alveoli at the end of expiration above atmospheric pressure. | |
TotalPowerOfBreathing | |
The sum of the imposed and patient power of breathing. | |
TotalPulmonaryVentilation | |
The amount of air that enters the lungs as a function of time - can be used for minute ventilation. | |
TotalWorkOfBreathing | |
The sum of the imposed and patient work of breathing. | |
TransairwayPressure | |
The pressure difference between the airway opening and alveoli. | |
TransalveolarPressure | |
The pressure difference between the alveoli and pleural space. | |
TransChestWallPressure | |
The pressure difference between the pleural space and body surface. | |
TransMusclePressure | |
The respiratory muscle driver pressure relative to body surface. | |
TranspulmonaryPressure | |
The pressure difference between the alveoli and the intrapleural space. | |
TransrespiratoryPressure | |
The pressure difference between the airway opening and body surface. | |
TransthoracicPressure | |
The pressure difference between the alveoli and body surface. | |
VentilationPerfusionRatio | |
(AKA V/Q Ratio) The ratio of the air that reaches the alveoli (ventilation) to the blood that reaches the alveoli via the capillaries (perfusion). | |
Mechanics | |
(AKA V/Q Ratio) The ratio of the air that reaches the alveoli (ventilation) to the blood that reaches the alveoli via the capillaries (perfusion). | |
Detailed Description
and transfer of gases between the lungs, the blood and the outside environment.