

 When processing SerializeState actions with a relative directory, specify what the path is relative to.
 Root directory of all input files for stabilization, generally install/bin of the build.
 Save state after an action is added to the action manager, then again after it is processed. (These states are always time stamped.)
 The frequency at which to write a file, 1s would write a file every second. 0 will not save out at all (if you wanted after actions only.)
 Put a time stamp at the end of the period state filename, Off will overwrite the same individual file, On will create new files every period, named with the simulation time.
 Put a time stamp at the end of the period state filename, Off will overwrite the same individual file, On will create new files every period, named with the simulation time.
 Put a time stamp at the end of the period state filename, Off will overwrite the same individual file, On will create new files every period, named with the simulation time.
 Put a time stamp at the end of the period state filename, Off will overwrite the same individual file, On will create new files every period, named with the simulation time.
 Put a time stamp at the end of the period state filename, Off will overwrite the same individual file, On will create new files every period, named with the simulation time.
 Scenario json/binary inline.
 Single Scenario filename.
 A directory, where each file is assumed to be a scenario.
 A Scenario exec list filename.
 A scenario log file to convert to a scenario and run.
 A directory of log files to convert to scenarios and run.
 Set what Content is.
 Number of threads to use when processing a Directory: >0 NumThreads to use; 0 NumThreads=NumCores; <0 NumThreads=NumCores-ThreadCount.

Detailed Description

Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

See accompanying NOTICE file for details.