Modules | |
LogToConsole | |
RelativeSerialization | |
When processing SerializeState actions with a relative directory, specify what the path is relative to. | |
DataRootDirectory | |
Root directory of all input files for stabilization, generally install/bin of the build. | |
OutputRootDirectory | |
OrganizeOutputDirectory | |
AutoSerializeAfterActions | |
Save state after an action is added to the action manager, then again after it is processed. (These states are always time stamped.) | |
AutoSerializePeriod_s | |
The frequency at which to write a file, 1s would write a file every second. 0 will not save out at all (if you wanted after actions only.) | |
TimeStampSerializedStates | |
Put a time stamp at the end of the period state filename, Off will overwrite the same individual file, On will create new files every period, named with the simulation time. | |
EngineConfiguration | |
Put a time stamp at the end of the period state filename, Off will overwrite the same individual file, On will create new files every period, named with the simulation time. | |
EngineConfigurationContent | |
Put a time stamp at the end of the period state filename, Off will overwrite the same individual file, On will create new files every period, named with the simulation time. | |
EngineConfigurationFilename | |
Put a time stamp at the end of the period state filename, Off will overwrite the same individual file, On will create new files every period, named with the simulation time. | |
Scenario | |
Put a time stamp at the end of the period state filename, Off will overwrite the same individual file, On will create new files every period, named with the simulation time. | |
ScenarioContent | |
Scenario json/binary inline. | |
ScenarioFilename | |
Single Scenario filename. | |
ScenarioDirectory | |
A directory, where each file is assumed to be a scenario. | |
ScenarioExecListFilename | |
A Scenario exec list filename. | |
ScenarioLogFilename | |
A scenario log file to convert to a scenario and run. | |
ScenarioLogDirectory | |
A directory of log files to convert to scenarios and run. | |
ContentFormat | |
Set what Content is. | |
ThreadCount | |
Number of threads to use when processing a Directory: >0 NumThreads to use; 0 NumThreads=NumCores; <0 NumThreads=NumCores-ThreadCount. | |
DataRequestFilesSearch | |
A list of directories to find any data request files referenced in the scenario. | |
ScenarioExec | |
ModelType | |