Airway Obstruction

The airway obstruction action was validated with a scenario that applies varying severities of 0.3, 0.6, and 1.0. Varying the severity of the obstruction simulates partial obstructions and a complete obstruction. The severity levels logarithmically increase the airway resistance. The resulting outputs from the engine are shown for each severity in the tables below for common clinical parameters.

Figure 1. Select outputs from the airway obstruction scenario.

Segment 1

Trigger airway obstruction; severity = 0.3. Represents the partial obstruction (severity = 0.3) of airway due to foreign body (obstructing material). Not severe enough to trigger CV responses.

Table 1. Data request validation results for Segment 1.
Property Name Validation Engine Value Percent Error Percent Change Notes
RespirationRate(1/min) GreaterThan Baseline (12) [127] 12.93   7.8%  
HeartRate(1/min) GreaterThan Baseline (72) [241] 71.8   -0.3%  
SystolicArterialPressure(mmHg) GreaterThan Baseline (114.3) [241] [178] 114.3   0.1%  
DiastolicArterialPressure(mmHg) GreaterThan Baseline (73.58) [241] [178] 73.6   0.0%  
OxygenSaturation LessThan Baseline (0.9741) [127] 0.9736   -0.0%  

Segment 2

Airway obstruction is turned off.

Table 2. Data request validation results for Segment 2.
Property Name Validation Engine Value Percent Error Percent Change Notes
RespirationRate(1/min) EqualTo Baseline (12) 12.2 1.6%    
HeartRate(1/min) EqualTo Baseline (72) 71.28 1.0%    
SystolicArterialPressure(mmHg) EqualTo Baseline (114.3) 114.4 0.1%    
DiastolicArterialPressure(mmHg) EqualTo Baseline (73.58) 73.58 0.0%    
OxygenSaturation EqualTo Baseline (0.9741) 0.9744 0.0%    

Segment 3

Table 3. Data request validation results for Segment 3.
Property Name Validation Engine Value Percent Error Percent Change Notes
RespirationRate(1/min) GreaterThan Segment 1 (12.93) [127] 17.75   37.3%  
HeartRate(1/min) GreaterThan Baseline (72) [241] 73.83   2.5%  
SystolicArterialPressure(mmHg) GreaterThan Baseline (114.3) [241] [178] 113.3   -0.8%  
DiastolicArterialPressure(mmHg) GreaterThan Baseline (73.58) [241] [178] 73.41   -0.2%  
OxygenSaturation LessThan Segment 1 (0.9736) [127] 0.9507   -2.4%  

Segment 4

Remove airway obstruction. Airway obstruction is turned off.

Table 4. Data request validation results for Segment 4.
Property Name Validation Engine Value Percent Error Percent Change Notes
RespirationRate(1/min) EqualTo Baseline (12) 12.45 3.7%    
HeartRate(1/min) EqualTo Baseline (72) 70.76 1.7%    
SystolicArterialPressure(mmHg) EqualTo Baseline (114.3) 115.2 0.8%    
DiastolicArterialPressure(mmHg) EqualTo Baseline (73.58) 74.14 0.8%    
OxygenSaturation EqualTo Baseline (0.9741) 0.9761 0.2%    

Segment 5

Turn on airway obstruction; severity = 1.0. Represents the complete obstruction (severity = 1.0) of airway due to foreign body.

Table 5. Data request validation results for Segment 5.
Property Name Validation Engine Value Percent Error Percent Change Notes
RespirationRate(1/min) EqualTo 0 [127] 0 0.0%    
HeartRate(1/min) GreaterThan Baseline (72) [241] 146.1   102.9%  
SystolicArterialPressure(mmHg) GreaterThan Baseline (114.3) [241] [178] 108.3   -5.2%  
DiastolicArterialPressure(mmHg) GreaterThan Baseline (73.58) [241] [178] 83.88   14.0%  
OxygenSaturation LessThan Segment 3 (0.9507) [127] 0.5748   -39.5%  

Segment 6

Remove airway obstruction. Airway obstruction is turned off.

Table 6. Data request validation results for Segment 6.
Property Name Validation Engine Value Percent Error Percent Change Notes
RespirationRate(1/min) EqualTo Baseline (12) 12.3 2.4%    
HeartRate(1/min) EqualTo Baseline (72) 69.81 3.1%    
SystolicArterialPressure(mmHg) EqualTo Baseline (114.3) 114.9 0.6%    
DiastolicArterialPressure(mmHg) EqualTo Baseline (73.58) 73.1 0.7%    
OxygenSaturation EqualTo Baseline (0.9741) 0.9747 0.1%    

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