The airway obstruction action was validated with a scenario that applies varying severities of 0.3, 0.6, and 1.0. Varying the severity of the obstruction simulates partial obstructions and a complete obstruction. The severity levels logarithmically increase the airway resistance. The resulting outputs from the engine are shown for each severity in the tables below for common clinical parameters.
Segment 1
Trigger airway obstruction; severity = 0.3. Represents the partial obstruction (severity = 0.3) of airway due to foreign body (obstructing material). Not severe enough to trigger CV responses.
Property Name | Validation | Engine Value | Percent Error | Percent Change | Notes |
RespirationRate(1/min) | GreaterThan Baseline (12) [127] | 12.93 | 7.8% | ||
HeartRate(1/min) | GreaterThan Baseline (72) [241] | 71.8 | -0.3% | ||
SystolicArterialPressure(mmHg) | GreaterThan Baseline (114.3) [241] [178] | 114.3 | 0.1% | ||
DiastolicArterialPressure(mmHg) | GreaterThan Baseline (73.58) [241] [178] | 73.6 | 0.0% | ||
OxygenSaturation | LessThan Baseline (0.9741) [127] | 0.9736 | -0.0% |
Segment 2
Airway obstruction is turned off.
Property Name | Validation | Engine Value | Percent Error | Percent Change | Notes |
RespirationRate(1/min) | EqualTo Baseline (12) | 12.2 | 1.6% | ||
HeartRate(1/min) | EqualTo Baseline (72) | 71.28 | 1.0% | ||
SystolicArterialPressure(mmHg) | EqualTo Baseline (114.3) | 114.4 | 0.1% | ||
DiastolicArterialPressure(mmHg) | EqualTo Baseline (73.58) | 73.58 | 0.0% | ||
OxygenSaturation | EqualTo Baseline (0.9741) | 0.9744 | 0.0% |
Segment 3
Property Name | Validation | Engine Value | Percent Error | Percent Change | Notes |
RespirationRate(1/min) | GreaterThan Segment 1 (12.93) [127] | 17.75 | 37.3% | ||
HeartRate(1/min) | GreaterThan Baseline (72) [241] | 73.83 | 2.5% | ||
SystolicArterialPressure(mmHg) | GreaterThan Baseline (114.3) [241] [178] | 113.3 | -0.8% | ||
DiastolicArterialPressure(mmHg) | GreaterThan Baseline (73.58) [241] [178] | 73.41 | -0.2% | ||
OxygenSaturation | LessThan Segment 1 (0.9736) [127] | 0.9507 | -2.4% |
Segment 4
Remove airway obstruction. Airway obstruction is turned off.
Property Name | Validation | Engine Value | Percent Error | Percent Change | Notes |
RespirationRate(1/min) | EqualTo Baseline (12) | 12.45 | 3.7% | ||
HeartRate(1/min) | EqualTo Baseline (72) | 70.76 | 1.7% | ||
SystolicArterialPressure(mmHg) | EqualTo Baseline (114.3) | 115.2 | 0.8% | ||
DiastolicArterialPressure(mmHg) | EqualTo Baseline (73.58) | 74.14 | 0.8% | ||
OxygenSaturation | EqualTo Baseline (0.9741) | 0.9761 | 0.2% |
Segment 5
Turn on airway obstruction; severity = 1.0. Represents the complete obstruction (severity = 1.0) of airway due to foreign body.
Property Name | Validation | Engine Value | Percent Error | Percent Change | Notes |
RespirationRate(1/min) | EqualTo 0 [127] | 0 | 0.0% | ||
HeartRate(1/min) | GreaterThan Baseline (72) [241] | 146.1 | 102.9% | ||
SystolicArterialPressure(mmHg) | GreaterThan Baseline (114.3) [241] [178] | 108.3 | -5.2% | ||
DiastolicArterialPressure(mmHg) | GreaterThan Baseline (73.58) [241] [178] | 83.88 | 14.0% | ||
OxygenSaturation | LessThan Segment 3 (0.9507) [127] | 0.5748 | -39.5% |
Segment 6
Remove airway obstruction. Airway obstruction is turned off.
Property Name | Validation | Engine Value | Percent Error | Percent Change | Notes |
RespirationRate(1/min) | EqualTo Baseline (12) | 12.3 | 2.4% | ||
HeartRate(1/min) | EqualTo Baseline (72) | 69.81 | 3.1% | ||
SystolicArterialPressure(mmHg) | EqualTo Baseline (114.3) | 114.9 | 0.6% | ||
DiastolicArterialPressure(mmHg) | EqualTo Baseline (73.58) | 73.1 | 0.7% | ||
OxygenSaturation | EqualTo Baseline (0.9741) | 0.9747 | 0.1% |