Modules | |
ArterialPressure | |
The current arterial pressure. | |
BloodVolume | |
The total volume of fluid within the cardiovascular system. | |
CardiacIndex | |
Relates heart performance to the size of the individual. | |
CardiacOutput | |
The volume of blood being pumped from the heart in a given time interval. It is defined as the heart rate multiplied by the stroke volume. | |
CentralVenousPressure | |
The instantaneous pressure of the venus return. | |
CerebralBloodFlow | |
The rate of blood flow into the skull, thus supplying the brain. | |
CerebralPerfusionPressure | |
The difference between the mean arterial pressure and the cerebral blood pressure. Defines the hydrostatic diffusion gradient. | |
CoronaryPerfusionPressure | |
The aortic diastolic pressure - left ventricular end diastolic pressure. The pressure gradient that drives coronary blood flow. | |
DiastolicArterialPressure | |
The minimum pressure in the aorta over the course of a cardiac cycle. | |
DiastolicLeftHeartPressure | |
The minimum pressure in the left heart over the course of a cardiac cycle. | |
DiastolicRightHeartPressure | |
The minimum pressure in the right heart over the course of a cardiac cycle. | |
HeartEjectionFraction | |
The current pressure in the aorta. | |
HeartRate | |
The fraction of the blood that is pumped out of the ventricle during a cardiac cycle. | |
HeartRhythm | |
eHeartRhythmTable | |
HeartStrokeVolume | |
The volume of blood pumped from the left ventricle in one contraction. | |
IntracranialPressure | |
The pressure inside the skull. Equal to the cerebral blood pressure with the cerebrospinal fluid pressure being assumed equal. | |
MeanArterialPressure | |
The average arterial pressure throughout each cardiac cycle. | |
MeanArterialCarbonDioxidePartialPressure | |
The mean of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the aorta over a cardiac cycle. | |
MeanArterialCarbonDioxidePartialPressureDelta | |
The change of the the mean of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the aorta from the previous cardiac cycle. | |
MeanCentralVenousPressure | |
The average pressure in the vena cava over the course of a cardiac cycle. | |
MeanSkinFlow | |
The blood flow to the skin averaged over the current cardiac cycle time. | |
PeripheralPerfusionIndex | |
The ratio of pulsatile blood flow to non-pulsatile blood flow in the peripheral tissue. | |
PulmonaryArterialPressure | |
The current pressure in the pulmonary arteries. | |
PulmonaryCapillariesCoverageFraction | |
The fraction of the capillaries interacting with blood. | |
PulmonaryCapillariesWedgePressure | |
The pressure within the pulmonary capillaries. | |
PulmonaryDiastolicArterialPressure | |
The minimum pressure that occurs in the pulmonary arteries over the course of a cardiac cycle. | |
PulmonaryMeanArterialPressure | |
The average pressure that occurs in the pulmonary arteries over the course of a cardiac cycle. | |
PulmonaryMeanCapillaryFlow | |
The average blood flow in the pulmonary capillaries over the course of a cardiac cycle. | |
PulmonaryMeanShuntFlow | |
The average blood flow diverted from the pulmonary capillaries (not oxygenated) over the course of a cardiac cycle. | |
PulmonarySystolicArterialPressure | |
The maximum pressure in the pulmonary arteries over the course of a cardiac cycle. | |
PulmonaryVascularResistance | |
The resistance offered by the pulmonary circulation. | |
PulmonaryVascularResistanceIndex | |
Relates pulmonary circulation performance to the size of the individual. | |
PulsePressure | |
The difference between the systolic and diastolic pressures. | |
SystemicVascularResistance | |
The resistance to blood flow through the entire systemic vasculature, not including the pulmonary circulation. | |
SystolicArterialPressure | |
The maximum pressure in the aorta over the course of a cardiac cycle. | |
SystolicLeftHeartPressure | |
The maximum pressure in the aorta over the course of a cardiac cycle. | |
SystolicRightHeartPressure | |
The maximum pressure in the aorta over the course of a cardiac cycle. | |
TotalHemorrhageRate | |
The total rate of blood loss due to all active hemorrhages. | |
TotalHemorrhagedVolume | |
The total amount of blood lost due to all hemorrhages. | |
TotalPulmonaryPerfusion | |
The total blood flow that participates in gas exchange over the course of a cardiac cycle. | |
Detailed Description
and other substances throughout the human body.