CDM Tables

The following tables describe a patient for Pulse to simulate


Data used to configure the patient.

Property Name Type Definition
Age SEScalarTime Patient age.
AlveoliSurfaceArea SEScalarArea The surface area of the alveoli for gas diffusion.
BasalMetabolicRate SEScalarPower The life-sustaining metabolic rate.
BloodVolumeBaseline SEScalarVolume The total volume of fluid within the cardiovascular system.
BodyDensity SEScalarMassPerVolume The mass of the body divided by the volume of the body.
BodyFatFraction SEScalar0To1 Total mass of fat divided by total body mass; body fat includes essential body fat and storage body fat.
BodyMassIndex SEScalar Broadly categorize a person as underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese based on tissue mass and height.
DiastolicArterialPressureBaseline SEScalarPressure The starting minimum pressure in the aorta over the course of a cardiac cycle.
ExpiratoryReserveVolume SEScalarVolume The maximum amount of air that can be exhaled from the end-expiratory position.
FunctionalResidualCapacity SEScalarVolume The volume of air remaining in the lungs after a passive expiration.
HeartRateBaseline SEScalarFrequency The resting heart rate.
HeartRateMaximum SEScalarFrequency The maximum heart rate the patient can withstand.
HeartRateMinimum SEScalarFrequency The minimum heart rate the patient can withstand.
Height SEScalarLength Patient height.
IdealBodyWeight SEScalarMass Ideal patient weight based only on sex and height.
InspiratoryCapacity SEScalarVolume The sum of IRV and TV.
InspiratoryReserveVolume SEScalarVolume The maximal volume that can be inhaled from the end-inspiratory level.
LeanBodyMass SEScalarMass Component of body composition after subtracting body fat weight.
MeanArterialPressureBaseline SEScalarPressure The resting mean arterial pressure.
Name String Patient Identifier.
PulsePressureBaseline SEScalarPressure The difference between the systolic and diastolic pressures.
ResidualVolume SEScalarVolume The volume of air remaining in the lungs after a maximal exhalation.
RespirationRateBaseline SEScalarFrequency The resting respiration rate.
RightLungRatio SEScalar0To1 The ratio of total lung surface area that is associated with the right lung.
Sex Enum PatientData_eSexTable
SkinSurfaceArea SEScalarArea The surface area of the skin surface of the body.
SystolicArterialPressureBaseline SEScalarPressure The starting maximum pressure in the aorta over the course of a cardiac cycle.
TidalVolumeBaseline SEScalarVolume The starting volume of air moved into or out of the lungs during normal respiration.
TotalLungCapacity SEScalarVolume The volume of air in the lungs at maximal inflation.
VitalCapacity SEScalarVolume The maximum amount of air a person can expel from their lungs after a maximum inhalation.
Weight SEScalarMass Patient weight.


Enumeration for patient sex.

Property Name Type Definition
Male Enum Male patient.
Female Enum Female patient.

The following tables describe the physiologic and equipment states Pulse supports.


Property Name Type Definition
Antidiuresis Enum Low urine flow.
Bradycardia Enum The heart rate is slowed to below 60 beats per minute.
Bradypnea Enum The state at which the respiratory rate has fallen 10 breaths per minute.
BrainOxygenDeficit Enum A lack of oxygen in the brain. Death will occur ~30min.
CardiacArrest Enum Sudden, unexpected loss of heart function, breathing, and consciousness.
CardiogenicShock Enum Inadequate blood circulation due to failure of the heart ventricles (Cardiac Index < 2.2 L/min m2).
CardiovascularCollapse Enum Not enough pressure in the veins/arteries to keep inflated.
CriticalBrainOxygenDeficit Enum A critical lack of oxygen in the brain. Death in under 10min.
Diuresis Enum High urine flow.
Fasciculation Enum Brief spontaneous contractions of muscle fibers.
Fatigue Enum The body is using energy above the Basal Metabolic Rate.
FunctionalIncontinence Enum Uncontrolled bladder release due to a full bladder.
Hypercapnia Enum State at which the arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure has exceeded 60 mmHg.
Hyperglycemia Enum An excess of glucose in the bloodstream (> 200 mg/dL).
Hypernatremia Enum An excess of sodium in the bloodstream (> 295 mOsm/kg).
Hyperthermia Enum The condition of having a body temperature greatly above normal (> 38 C).
Hypoglycemia Enum Low glucose in the bloodstream (< 70 mg/dL).
Hyponatremia Enum Low sodium in the bloodstream (< 135 mEq/L).
Hypothermia Enum The condition of having a body temperature greatly below normal (< 35 C).
Hypoxia Enum State at which the arterial oxygen partial pressure has fallen below 65 mmHg.
HypovolemicShock Enum The blood volume has dropped below 65% of its normal value.
IntracranialHypertension Enum Intracranial pressure is greater than 25 mmHg.
IntracranialHypotension Enum Intracranial pressure is lower than 7 mmHg.
IrreversibleState Enum An unrecoverable patient state. The engine will cease calculating when this event occurs.
Ketoacidosis Enum A form of metabolic acidosis where the anion gap is driven by the rise in ketones.
LacticAcidosis Enum A form of metabolic acidosis where the blood lactate concentration rises.
MassiveHemothorax Enum Intrapleural blood drainage (> 1000mL).
MaximumPulmonaryVentilationRate Enum The maximum pulmonary ventilation rate has been reached.
MediumHemothorax Enum Intrapleural blood drainage (> 400mL, < 1000 mL).
MetabolicAcidosis Enum A condition where the body is producing excess acids. (pH < 7.35).
MetabolicAlkalosis Enum A condition where the body is producing excess bases. (pH > 7.45).
MildDehydration Enum A loss of more fluid than is taken in (More than 3% loss of healthy/initial fluid mass).
MinimalHemothorax Enum Intrapleural blood drainage (< 400mL).
ModerateDehydration Enum A loss of more fluid than is taken in (More than 5% loss of healthy/initial fluid mass).
ModerateHyperoxemia Enum State at which the arterial oxygen partial pressure has risen above 120 mmHg.
ModerateHypocapnia Enum State at which the arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure has fallen below 30 mmHg.
MyocardiumOxygenDeficit Enum The myocardium oxygen level has decreased below 5 mmHg.
Natriuresis Enum Sodium excretion above normal levels.
NutritionDepleted Enum The stomach is empty.
RenalHypoperfusion Enum Low blood flow to the kidneys.
RespiratoryAcidosis Enum An increase of CO2 concentration in the bloodstream and a decrease in blood pH.
RespiratoryAlkalosis Enum An decrease of CO2 concentration in the bloodstream and a increase in blood pH.
SevereDehydration Enum A loss of more fluid than is taken in (More than 10% loss of healthy/initial fluid mass).
SevereHyperoxemia Enum State at which the arterial oxygen partial pressure has risen above 200 mmHg.
SevereHypocapnia Enum State at which the arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure has fallen below 15 mmHg.
Stabilizing Enum The engine is stabilizing to a new homeostasis state, its not recommended to add any actions when active.
StartOfCardiacCycle Enum The Patient is starting a new heart beat.
StartOfExhale Enum Patient is starting to exhale.
StartOfInhale Enum Patient is starting to inhale.
Tachycardia Enum The heart rate is elevated above 100 beats per minute.
Tachypnea Enum A breathing rate above 20 breaths per minute.
AnesthesiaMachineOxygenBottleOneExhausted Enum Anesthesia machine oxygen bottle one has been exhausted.
AnesthesiaMachineOxygenBottleTwoExhausted Enum Anesthesia machine oxygen bottle two has been exhausted.
AnesthesiaMachineReliefValveActive Enum Anesthesia machine relief valve is active.
MechanicalVentilatorReliefValveActive Enum Mechanical ventilator relief valve is active.
SupplementalOxygenBottleExhausted Enum The supplemental oxygen bottle is exhausted. There is no longer any oxygen to provide.
NonRebreatherMaskOxygenBagEmpty Enum The non rebreather mask oxygen bag is empty. Oxygen may need to be provided at a faster rate.

The following tables describe the conditions that can be applied to the patient before starting the simulation


A type of respiratory failure characterized by rapid onset of widespread inflammation in the lungs.


Condition characterized by reduced red blood cells, which leads to reduced oxygen carrying capacity. Implemented by reducing the amount of hemoglobin in the blood.

Property Name Type Definition
ReductionFactor SEScalar0To1 The fraction to reduce the amount of hemoglobin by.


Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is an obstructive lung disease characterized by chronically reduced airflow into the lungs. Unlike asthma, the reduction in airflow does not generally improve with medication. When tissue damage occurs primarily in the airways, the condition is called chronic bronchitis. When tissue destruction is focused in the alveoli, the condition is called emphysema. COPD is a manifestation of both conditions, although one condition may dominate.

Property Name Type Definition
BronchitisSeverity SEScalar0To1 Scale of affect, 0 being none, 1 being the highest possible.


Pericardial effusion ("fluid around the heart") is an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the pericardial cavity. Because of the limited amount of space in the pericardial cavity, fluid accumulation leads to an increased intrapericardial pressure which can negatively affect heart function. A pericardial effusion with enough pressure to adversely affect heart function is called cardiac tamponade. Pericardial effusion usually results from a disturbed equilibrium between the production andre-absorption of pericardial fluid, or from a structural abnormality that allows fluid to enter the pericardial cavity. Normal levels of pericardial fluid are from 15 to 50 mL.

Property Name Type Definition
AccumulatedVolume SEScalarVolume The amount of fluid in the pericardial cavity.


Narrowing of the renal artery.

Property Name Type Definition
LeftKidneySeverity SEScalar0To1 Scale of affect, 0 being none, 1 being the highest possible.
RightKidneySeverity SEScalar0To1 Scale of affect, 0 being none, 1 being the highest possible.


Impairment of the ventricular contraction, reducing the ability of the heart to pump blood.


Consume nutrients into the body along with a time elapsed since this meal.

Property Name Type Definition
Meal SEMeal MealTable
MealFile String File containing a meal objet with properties to initialize the system with.


A lack of total body water. This model is nearly isotonic as if fluid was lost through excessive sweating.

Property Name Type Definition
Severity SEScalar0To1 Scale of affect, 0 being none, 1 being the highest possible.


Generic way to specify the effectiveness of alveolar exchange.

Property Name Type Definition
ImpairedFraction SEScalar0To1 Surface Area Fraction of the impaired alveoli.
ImpairedSurfaceArea SEScalarArea Surface Area of the impaired alveoli.
Severity SEScalar0To1 Scale of affect, 0 being none, 1 being the highest possible.


pneumonia is a form of pneumonia that affects one or more lobes of the lungs. As fluid fills portions of the lung it becomes more difficult to breath and the gas diffusion surface area in the alveoli is reduced.


Pulmonary Fibrosis is a restrictive lung disease that results in increase in the connective tissue of the lung. This reduces the lung compliance making it difficult to expand the lung during inspiration.

Property Name Type Definition
Severity SEScalar0To1 Scale of affect, 0 being none, 1 being the highest possible.


Pulmonary shunt is when the alveoli of the lungs are perfused with blood as normal, but ventilation (the supply of air) fails to supply the perfused region.

Property Name Type Definition
Severity SEScalar0To1 Scale of affect, 0 being none, 1 being the highest possible.


A potentially life-threatening condition caused by the body's response to an infection.

Property Name Type Definition
Severity SEScalar0To1 Scale of affect, 0 being none, 1 being the highest possible.

The following tables describe the system data that is calculated each time step


Property Name Type Definition
ArterialCarbonDioxidePressure SEScalarPressure Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the aorta.
ArterialOxygenPressure SEScalarPressure Partial pressure of oxygen in the aorta.
BaseExcess SEScalarAmountPerVolume Excess or deficit, respectively, in the amount of base present in the blood.
BloodDensity SEScalarMassPerVolume Mass per unit volume of the blood.
BloodPH SEScalar Measure of acidity or basicity of the blood.
BloodSpecificHeat SEScalarHeatCapacitancePerMass The amount of energy required to raise one kilogram of blood by one degree Celsius.
BloodUreaNitrogenConcentration SEScalarMassPerVolume The BUN concentration in the blood.
CarbonDioxideSaturation SEScalar0To1 The fraction of hemoglobin that is carbon dioxide bound.
CarbonMonoxideSaturation SEScalar0To1 The fraction of hemoglobin that is carbon monoxide bound.
Hematocrit SEScalar0To1 Volume percentage of red blood cells in the blood.
HemoglobinContent SEScalarMass The total amount of hemoglobin in the blood.
OxygenSaturation SEScalar0To1 The fraction of hemoglobin that is oxygen bound.
Phosphate SEScalarAmountPerVolume Sum of all inorganic phosphate in the blood.
PlasmaOsmolality SEScalarOsmolality The osmolar pressure contributions of the sodium, urea and glucose divided by the mass of the fluid.
PlasmaOsmolarity SEScalarOsmolarity The osmolar pressure contributions of the sodium, urea and glucose divided by the volume of the fluid.
PlasmaVolume SEScalarVolume Volume of the plasma.
PulmonaryArterialCarbonDioxidePressure SEScalarPressure Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the pulmonary arteries.
PulmonaryArterialOxygenPressure SEScalarPressure Partial pressure of oxygen in the pulmonary arteries.
PulmonaryVenousCarbonDioxidePressure SEScalarPressure Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the pulmonary veins.
PulmonaryVenousOxygenPressure SEScalarPressure Partial pressure of oxygen in the pulmonary veins.
PulseOximetry SEScalar0To1 The fraction of hemoglobin with bound oxygen as measured optically, which can include Carbon Monoxide.
RedBloodCellCount SEScalarAmountPerVolume Total number of red blood cells in the blood.
ShuntFraction SEScalar0To1 Fraction of the blood flow that bypasses the alveoli; therefore, does not engage is gas exchange.
StrongIonDifference SEScalarAmountPerVolume Difference between the positive and negative strong ion concentrations in the blood.
TotalProteinConcentration SEScalarMassPerVolume The concentration of urea in the blood.
VenousCarbonDioxidePressure SEScalarPressure Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the vena cava.
VenousOxygenPressure SEScalarPressure Partial pressure of oxygen in the vena cava.
VolumeFractionNeutralLipidInPlasma SEScalar0To1 Fraction of the plasma that is made up of neutral lipids.
VolumeFractionNeutralPhospholipidInPlasma SEScalar0To1 Fraction of the plasma that is made up of neutral phospholipids.
WhiteBloodCellCount SEScalarAmountPerVolume Total number of white blood cells in the blood.


Partial pressure of oxygen in the vena cava.

Property Name Type Definition
ArterialComplianceMultiplier SEScalarUnsigned Updates the aorta compliance.
ArterialResistanceMultiplier SEScalarUnsigned Updates the aorta resistance.
HeartRateMultiplier SEScalarUnsigned Updates the heart driver frequency.
PulmonaryComplianceMultiplier SEScalarUnsigned Updates the pulmonary veins, capillaries, and arteries compliances.
PulmonaryResistanceMultiplier SEScalarUnsigned Updates the pulmonary veins, capillaries, and arteries resistances.
StrokeVolumeMultiplier SEScalarUnsigned Updates the heart driver amplitude.
SystemicComplianceMultiplier SEScalarUnsigned Updates the the entire systemic vasculature compliances, excluding pulmonary.
SystemicResistanceMultiplier SEScalarUnsigned Updates the the entire systemic vasculature resistances, excluding pulmonary.
VenousComplianceMultiplier SEScalarUnsigned Updates the vena cava compliance.


Property Name Type Definition
ArterialPressure SEScalarPressure The current arterial pressure.
BloodVolume SEScalarVolume The total volume of fluid within the cardiovascular system.
CardiacIndex SEScalarVolumePerTimeArea Relates heart performance to the size of the individual.
CardiacOutput SEScalarVolumePerTime The volume of blood being pumped from the heart in a given time interval.
It is defined as the heart rate multiplied by the stroke volume.
CentralVenousPressure SEScalarPressure The instantaneous pressure of the venus return.
CerebralBloodFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime The rate of blood flow into the skull, thus supplying the brain.
CerebralPerfusionPressure SEScalarPressure The difference between the mean arterial pressure and the cerebral blood pressure. Defines the hydrostatic diffusion gradient.
DiastolicArterialPressure SEScalarPressure The minimum pressure in the aorta over the course of a cardiac cycle.
DiastolicLeftHeartPressure SEScalarPressure The minimum pressure in the left heart over the course of a cardiac cycle.
DiastolicRightHeartPressure SEScalarPressure The minimum pressure in the right heart over the course of a cardiac cycle.
HeartEjectionFraction SEScalar0To1 The current pressure in the aorta.
HeartRate SEScalarFrequency The fraction of the blood that is pumped out of the ventricle during a cardiac cycle.
HeartRhythm Enum eHeartRhythmTable
HeartStrokeVolume SEScalarVolume The volume of blood pumped from the left ventricle in one contraction.
IntracranialPressure SEScalarPressure The pressure inside the skull. Equal to the cerebral blood pressure with the cerebrospinal fluid pressure being assumed equal.
MeanArterialCarbonDioxidePartialPressure SEScalarPressure The mean of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the aorta over a cardiac cycle.
MeanArterialCarbonDioxidePartialPressureDelta SEScalarPressure The change of the the mean of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the aorta from the previous cardiac cycle.
MeanArterialPressure SEScalarPressure The average arterial pressure throughout each cardiac cycle.
MeanCentralVenousPressure SEScalarPressure The average pressure in the vena cava over the course of a cardiac cycle.
MeanSkinFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime The blood flow to the skin averaged over the current cardiac cycle time.
PeripheralPerfusionIndex SEScalar0To1 The ratio of pulsatile blood flow to non-pulsatile blood flow in the peripheral tissue.
PulmonaryArterialPressure SEScalarPressure The current pressure in the pulmonary arteries.
PulmonaryCapillariesWedgePressure SEScalarPressure The pressure within the pulmonary capillaries.
PulmonaryDiastolicArterialPressure SEScalarPressure The minimum pressure that occurs in the pulmonary arteries over the course of a cardiac cycle.
PulmonaryMeanArterialPressure SEScalarPressure The average pressure that occurs in the pulmonary arteries over the course of a cardiac cycle.
PulmonaryMeanCapillaryFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime The average blood flow in the pulmonary capillaries over the course of a cardiac cycle.
PulmonaryMeanShuntFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime The average blood flow diverted from the pulmonary capillaries (not oxygenated) over the course of a cardiac cycle.
PulmonarySystolicArterialPressure SEScalarPressure The maximum pressure in the pulmonary arteries over the course of a cardiac cycle.
PulmonaryVascularResistance SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume The resistance offered by the pulmonary circulation.
PulmonaryVascularResistanceIndex SEScalarPressureTimePerVolumeArea Relates pulmonary circulation performance to the size of the individual.
PulsePressure SEScalarPressure The difference between the systolic and diastolic pressures.
SystemicVascularResistance SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume The resistance to blood flow through the entire systemic vasculature, not including the pulmonary circulation.
SystolicArterialPressure SEScalarPressure The maximum pressure in the aorta over the course of a cardiac cycle.
SystolicLeftHeartPressure SEScalarPressure The maximum pressure in the aorta over the course of a cardiac cycle.
SystolicRightHeartPressure SEScalarPressure The maximum pressure in the aorta over the course of a cardiac cycle.
TotalHemorrhageRate SEScalarVolumePerTime The total rate of blood loss due to all active hemorrhages.
TotalHemorrhagedVolume SEScalarVolume The total amount of blood lost due to all hemorrhages.


Property Name Type Definition
BronchodilationLevel SEScalarNegative1To1
HeartRateChange SEScalarFrequency
MeanBloodPressureChange SEScalarPressure
NeuromuscularBlockLevel SEScalar0To1
PulsePressureChange SEScalarPressure
PupillaryResponse SEPupillaryResponse PupillaryResponseTable
RespirationRateChange SEScalarFrequency
SedationLevel SEScalar0To1
TidalVolumeChange SEScalarVolume
TubularPermeabilityChange SEScalarNegative1To1


Property Name Type Definition
InsulinSynthesisRate SEScalarAmountPerTime Insulin production rate.


Property Name Type Definition
AchievedExerciseLevel SEScalar0To1 The fraction of how much of the requested exercise the patient is able to achieve. 1.0 means the the patient is performing at the requested level. Nan is the patient is not exercising (no Action)
CoreTemperature SEScalarTemperature The internal body temperature.
CreatinineProductionRate SEScalarAmountPerTime The generation of creatinine in the muscle tissue per.
ExerciseMeanArterialPressureDelta SEScalarPressure The pressure delta that occurs during exercise. Used to modify the baroreceptor set-point.
FatigueLevel SEScalar0To1 The exhaustion level of the body, or inability to perform physical exercise.
KetoneProductionRate SEScalarAmountPerTime The molar amount of ketones generated in the liver.
LactateProductionRate SEScalarAmountPerTime The molar amount of lactate generated on the tissue level from anaerobic metabolism.
SkinTemperature SEScalarTemperature The skin surface temperature.
SweatRate SEScalarMassPerTime Mass of sweat generated per unit time due to elevated core temperature.
TotalMetabolicRate SEScalarPower The basal metabolic rate plus additional energy expenditure rates due to activity.
TotalWorkRateLevel SEScalar0To1 The current patient work rate above basal over the maximum work rate capable by the patient.


Property Name Type Definition
StomachContents SENutrition NutritionTable
WaterAbsorptionRate SEScalarVolumePerTime Rate of the absorption of water from the stomach into the blood stream.



Property Name Type Definition
BaroreceptorComplianceScale SEScalar Cardiovascular compliance multiplier used to scale the heart rate due to baroreceptor feedback
BaroreceptorHeartElastanceScale SEScalar Heart elastance multiplier used to scale the heart rate due to baroreceptor feedback.
BaroreceptorHeartRateScale SEScalar Heart rate multiplier used to scale the heart rate due to baroreceptor feedback.
BaroreceptorResistanceScale SEScalar Cardiovascular resistance multiplier used to scale the heart rate due to baroreceptor feedback
ChemoreceptorHeartElastanceScale SEScalar Heart elastance multiplier used to scale the heart rate due to baroreceptor feedback.
ChemoreceptorHeartRateScale SEScalar Heart rate multiplier used to scale the heart rate due to baroreceptor feedback.
LeftEyePupillaryResponse SEPupillaryResponse PupillaryResponseTable
RightEyePupillaryResponse SEPupillaryResponse PupillaryResponseTable



Property Name Type Definition
ReactivityModifier SEScalarNegative1To1 Change in pupil reaction time -1 complete reduction/no response, 0 is normal, and 1 is the fastest reaction time.
ShapeModifier SEScalarNegative1To1 Percentage change in pupil shape from normal. Positive is vertical ovoid. Negative is horizontal ovoid.
SizeModifier SEScalarNegative1To1 Pupil size change from normal. -1 is fully constricted, 0 is no change, +1 is fully dilated.


Property Name Type Definition
FiltrationFraction SEScalar0To1 Scalar used to compute reabsorption for substances.
GlomerularFiltrationRate SEScalarVolumePerTime Flow rate of filtrate into the tubules.
LeftAfferentArterioleResistance SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume resistance to flow going into the glomerular capillaries in the left Kidney
LeftBowmansCapsulesHydrostaticPressure SEScalarPressure Pressure generated from fluid in the bowmans capsules in the left Kidney.
LeftBowmansCapsulesOsmoticPressure SEScalarPressure Pressure generated from substances in the bowmans capsules in the left Kidney.
LeftEfferentArterioleResistance SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume Resistance to flow into the peritubular capillaries in the left Kidney.
LeftFiltrationFraction SEScalar0To1 Scalar used to compute reabsorption for substances in left Kidney.
LeftGlomerularCapillariesHydrostaticPressure SEScalarPressure Pressure generated from fluid in the glomerular capillaries in the left Kidney.
LeftGlomerularCapillariesOsmoticPressure SEScalarPressure Pressure generated from substances in the capillaries in the left Kidney.
LeftGlomerularFiltrationCoefficient SEScalarVolumePerTimePressure Calculated for each substance to determine ease of transport into the tubules in the left Kidney.
LeftGlomerularFiltrationRate SEScalarVolumePerTime Flow rate of filtrate into the tubules in left Kidney.
LeftGlomerularFiltrationSurfaceArea SEScalarArea Surface area of glomerular capillaries that experiance filtration in the left Kidney.
LeftGlomerularFluidPermeability SEScalarVolumePerTimePressureArea Permeability coefficient of the capillary tissue in the left Kidney.
LeftNetFiltrationPressure SEScalarPressure Total pressure directed into the tubules in the left Kidney.
LeftNetReabsorptionPressure SEScalarPressure Total pressure directed into the peritubular capillaries in the left Kidney.
LeftPeritubularCapillariesHydrostaticPressure SEScalarPressure Pressure generated by the fluid in the peritubular capillaries in the left Kidney.
LeftPeritubularCapillariesOsmoticPressure SEScalarPressure Pressure generated by the substance concentration in the peritubular capillaries in the left Kidney.
LeftReabsorptionFiltrationCoefficient SEScalarVolumePerTimePressure Value which determines how much of a substance is reabsorbed into the blood stream in the left Kidney.
LeftReabsorptionRate SEScalarVolumePerTime Rate at which fluid or a substance is transported into the peritubular capillaries in the left Kidney.
LeftTubularHydrostaticPressure SEScalarPressure Pressure generated by the fluid in the tubules in the left Kidney.
LeftTubularOsmoticPressure SEScalarPressure Pressure generated by substances in the tubules in the left Kidney.
LeftTubularReabsorptionFiltrationSurfaceArea SEScalarArea Surface ares of the tubules which is subject to fluid transport (reabsorption) in the left Kidney.
LeftTubularReabsorptionFluidPermeability SEScalarVolumePerTimePressureArea Permeability of the tissue in the tubules, influencing resistance to flow into peritubular capillaries in the left Kidney.
RenalBloodFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime Blood flow into the kidney that is not filtered into the tubules.
RenalPlasmaFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime Plasma flow into the kidney that is not filtered into the tubules.
RenalVascularResistance SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume Total resistance o f the kidney vasculature.
RightAfferentArterioleResistance SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume resistance to flow going into the glomerular capillaries in the right Kidney
RightBowmansCapsulesHydrostaticPressure SEScalarPressure Pressure generated from fluid in the bowmans capsules in the right Kidney.
RightBowmansCapsulesOsmoticPressure SEScalarPressure Pressure generated from substances in the bowmans capsules in the right Kidney.
RightEfferentArterioleResistance SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume Resistance to flow into the peritubular capillaries in the left Kidney.
RightFiltrationFraction SEScalar0To1 Scalar used to compute reabsorption for substances in left Kidney.
RightGlomerularCapillariesHydrostaticPressure SEScalarPressure Pressure generated from fluid in the glomerular capillaries in the left Kidney.
RightGlomerularCapillariesOsmoticPressure SEScalarPressure Pressure generated from substances in the capillaries in the left Kidney.
RightGlomerularFiltrationCoefficient SEScalarVolumePerTimePressure Calculated for each substance to determine ease of transport into the tubules in the left Kidney.
RightGlomerularFiltrationRate SEScalarVolumePerTime Flow rate of filtrate into the tubules in left Kidney.
RightGlomerularFiltrationSurfaceArea SEScalarArea Surface area of glomerular capillaries that experiance filtration in the left Kidney.
RightGlomerularFluidPermeability SEScalarVolumePerTimePressureArea Permeability coefficient of the capillary tissue in the left Kidney.
RightNetFiltrationPressure SEScalarPressure Total pressure directed into the tubules in the left Kidney.
RightNetReabsorptionPressure SEScalarPressure Total pressure directed into the peritubular capillaries in the left Kidney.
RightPeritubularCapillariesHydrostaticPressure SEScalarPressure Pressure generated by the fluid in the peritubular capillaries in the left Kidney.
RightPeritubularCapillariesOsmoticPressure SEScalarPressure Pressure generated by the substance concentration in the peritubular capillaries in the left Kidney.
RightReabsorptionFiltrationCoefficient SEScalarVolumePerTimePressure Value which determines how much of a substance is reabsorbed into the blood stream in the left Kidney.
RightReabsorptionRate SEScalarVolumePerTime Rate at which fluid or a substance is transported into the peritubular capillaries in the left Kidney.
RightTubularHydrostaticPressure SEScalarPressure Pressure generated by the fluid in the tubules in the left Kidney.
RightTubularOsmoticPressure SEScalarPressure Pressure generated by substances in the tubules in the left Kidney.
RightTubularReabsorptionFiltrationSurfaceArea SEScalarArea Surface ares of the tubules which is subject to fluid transport (reabsorption) in the left Kidney.
RightTubularReabsorptionFluidPermeability SEScalarVolumePerTimePressureArea Permeability of the tissue in the tubules, influencing resistance to flow into peritubular capillaries in the left Kidney.
UrinationRate SEScalarVolumePerTime Rate that fluid exits the bladder.
UrineOsmolality SEScalarOsmolality The osmolar pressure contributions of the sodium, urea and glucose divided by the mass of the fluid.
UrineOsmolarity SEScalarOsmolarity The osmolar pressure contributions of the sodium, urea and glucose divided by the volume of the fluid.
UrineProductionRate SEScalarVolumePerTime The rate of fluid flow to the bladder.
UrineSpecificGravity SEScalar The density of the fluid relative to water.
UrineUreaNitrogenConcentration SEScalarMassPerVolume Scaled concentration of Urea in the bladder.
UrineVolume SEScalarVolume The volume of the urine in the bladder.


A set of properties to specify and customize the respiratory circuit and driver.

Property Name Type Definition
Active Enum Turn on or off the use of this structure in the physiology implementation.
ExpiratoryHoldTime SEScalarTime Spontaneous hold period length at bottom of breath.
ExpiratoryPeakPressure SEScalarPressure The maximum positive pressure during spontaneous expiration (usually 0).
ExpiratoryReleaseTime SEScalarTime Spontaneous inspiration release period length back to 0 pressure.
ExpiratoryRiseTime SEScalarTime Spontaneous expiration rise period length.
InspiratoryHoldTime SEScalarTime Spontaneous hold period length at top of breath.
InspiratoryPeakPressure SEScalarPressure The maximum negative pressure during spontaneous inspiration.
InspiratoryReleaseTime SEScalarTime Spontaneous inspiration release period length back to 0 pressure.
InspiratoryRiseTime SEScalarTime Spontaneous inspiration rise period length.
InspiratoryToExpiratoryPauseTime SEScalarTime Spontaneous hold period length between inspiration and expiration.
LeftComplianceCurve SECurve CurveTable
LeftExpiratoryResistance SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume Left lung airway resistance during expiration.
LeftInspiratoryResistance SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume Left lung airway resistance during inspiration.
ResidueTime SEScalarTime Spontaneous breathing remaining time at 0 pressure after completed waveform.
RightComplianceCurve SECurve CurveTable
RightExpiratoryResistance SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume Right lung airway resistance during expiration.
RightInspiratoryResistance SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume Right lung airway resistance during inspiration.
UpperExpiratoryResistance SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume Upper airway respiratory resistance during expiration.
UpperInspiratoryResistance SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume Upper airway respiratory resistance during inspiration.


Spontaneous breathing remaining time at 0 pressure after completed waveform.

Property Name Type Definition
LeftComplianceMultiplier SEScalarUnsigned Updates the left lung static compliance.
LeftExpiratoryResistanceMultiplier SEScalarUnsigned Updates the left lung resistance during expiration.
LeftInspiratoryResistanceMultiplier SEScalarUnsigned Updates the left lung resistance during inspiration.
RespirationRateMultiplier SEScalarUnsigned Updates the spontaneous inspiration period.
RightComplianceMultiplier SEScalarUnsigned Updates the right lung static compliance.
RightExpiratoryResistanceMultiplier SEScalarUnsigned Updates the right lung resistance during expiration.
RightInspiratoryResistanceMultiplier SEScalarUnsigned Updates the right lung resistance during inspiration.
TidalVolumeMultiplier SEScalarUnsigned Updates the maximum negative pressure during spontaneous inspiration.
UpperExpiratoryResistanceMultiplier SEScalarUnsigned Updates the upper airway resistance during expiration.
UpperInspiratoryResistanceMultiplier SEScalarUnsigned Updates the upper airway resistance during inspiration.


Property Name Type Definition
AirwayPressure SEScalarPressure Instantaneous pressure applied during positive-pressure mechanical ventilation.
AlveolarArterialGradient SEScalarPressure Measure of the difference between the alveolar concentration of oxygen and the arterial concentration of oxygen to assess the integrity of the alveolar capillary unit.
AlveolarDeadSpace SEScalarVolume The volume of unperfused alveoli.
AnatomicDeadSpace SEScalarVolume The total volume of the conducting airways from the nose or mouth down to the level of the terminal bronchioles that does not participate in gas exchange.
ChestWallCompliance SEScalarVolumePerPressure The static relationship between the transmural pressure across the chest wall compared with the chest cavity's volume.
ElasticWorkOfBreathing SEScalarEnergy The work (generally during the inhalation phase) that is stored as potential energy which is recovered during exhalation.
EndTidalCarbonDioxideFraction SEScalar0To1 The fraction of gas in the mouth/nose that is carbon dioxide at the end of each respiratory cycle.
EndTidalCarbonDioxidePressure SEScalarPressure The pressure of gas in the mouth/nose that is carbon dioxide at the end of each respiratory cycle.
EndTidalOxygenFraction SEScalar0To1 The fraction of gas in the mouth/nose that is oxygen at the end of each respiratory cycle.
EndTidalOxygenPressure SEScalarPressure The pressure of gas in the mouth/nose that is oxygen at the end of each respiratory cycle.
ExpiratoryFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime Instantaneous airflow out of the lungs (negative value when inhaling).
ExpiratoryRespiratoryResistance SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume The total resistance to airflow through the lungs during exhalation.
ExpiratoryTidalVolume SEScalarVolume The volume of air moved into or out of the lungs during normal expiration.
ExtrinsicPositiveEndExpiratoryPressure SEScalarPressure The positive pressure intentionally applied to the airways at the end of expiration (i.e., the PEEP setting).
FractionOfInspiredOxygen SEScalar0To1 Fraction of Oxygen being taking into the body.
HorowitzIndex SEScalarPressure (AKA P/F Ratio) The ratio of arterial partial pressure O2 and the inspired O2. O2 level in blood vs. Concentration of O2 in a breath.
ImposedPowerOfBreathing SEScalarPower Externally imposed work of breathing (e.g., from a ventilator).
ImposedWorkOfBreathing SEScalarEnergy Externally imposed power of breathing (e.g., from a ventilator).
InspiratoryExpiratoryRatio SEScalar The ratio of the length of time of inspiration to the length of time of expiration.
InspiratoryFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime The instantaneous airflow into the lungs (negative value when exhaling).
InspiratoryRespiratoryResistance SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume The total resistance to airflow through the lungs during inhalation.
InspiratoryTidalVolume SEScalarVolume The volume of air moved into or out of the lungs during normal inspiration.
IntrapleuralPressure SEScalarPressure The pressure difference across the whole lung.
IntrapulmonaryPressure SEScalarPressure The total respiratory recoil pressure relative to body surface.
IntrinsicPositiveEndExpiratoryPressure SEScalarPressure The alveolar pressure at the end of expiration - also known as auto-PEEP, air trapping, or dynamic hyperinflation.
LungCompliance SEScalarVolumePerPressure The static measure of the lung's ability to stretch and expand.
MaximalInspiratoryPressure SEScalarPressure The strength of inspiratory muscles.
MeanAirwayPressure SEScalarPressure Mean pressure applied during positive-pressure mechanical ventilation.
Mechanics SERespiratoryMechanics RespiratoryMechanicsTable
OxygenSaturationIndex SEScalarPressure Usage of oxygen within the body and predict outcomes.
OxygenationIndex SEScalar Used in intensive care medicine to measure the usage of oxygen within the body and predict outcomes. A lower oxygenation index is better.
PatientPowerOfBreathing SEScalarPower Internally imposed work of breathing from the respiratory muscles.
PatientWorkOfBreathing SEScalarEnergy Internally imposed power of breathing from the respiratory muscles.
PeakInspiratoryPressure SEScalarPressure The highest pressure applied to the lungs (alveolar pressure) above atmospheric pressure during inhalation.
PhysiologicDeadSpace SEScalarVolume The sum of the anatomic and alveolar dead space.
PhysiologicDeadSpaceTidalVolumeRatio SEScalar (AKA VD/VT Ratio) The ratio of dead-space ventilation (VD) to tidal ventilation (VT).
RelativeTotalLungVolume SEScalarVolume The total volume of air within the lungs at any given time above the functional residual capacity.
ResistiveExpiratoryWorkOfBreathing SEScalarEnergy The work to overcome the frictional resistance to gas flow due to viscosity during exhalation.
ResistiveInspiratoryWorkOfBreathing SEScalarEnergy The work to overcome the frictional resistance to gas flow due to viscosity during inhalation.
RespirationRate SEScalarFrequency The frequency of the respiratory cycle.
RespiratoryCompliance SEScalarVolumePerPressure The total static compliance of the respiratory system.
RespiratoryElastance SEScalarPressurePerVolume The inverse of respiratory static compliance.
RespiratoryMusclePressure SEScalarPressure Pressure of the muscles that contribute to inhalation and exhalation, by aiding in the expansion and contraction of the thoracic cavity.
SaturationAndFractionOfInspiredOxygenRatio SEScalar A noninvasive surrogate for PiO2/FiO2 ratio (horowitz index).
SpecificVentilation SEScalar The ratio of the volume of gas entering a region of the lung following an inspiration and the end-expiratory volume of that same lung region.
TidalVolume SEScalarVolume The volume of air moved into or out of the lungs during normal respiration.
TotalAlveolarVentilation SEScalarVolumePerTime The air flow to the alveoli.
TotalDeadSpaceVentilation SEScalarVolumePerTime The air flow to the dead space.
TotalLungVolume SEScalarVolume The total volume of air within the lungs at any given time.
TotalPositiveEndExpiratoryPressure SEScalarPressure The overall pressure in the alveoli at the end of expiration above atmospheric pressure.
TotalPowerOfBreathing SEScalarPower The sum of the imposed and patient power of breathing.
TotalPulmonaryVentilation SEScalarVolumePerTime The amount of air that enters the lungs as a function of time - can be used for minute ventilation.
TotalWorkOfBreathing SEScalarEnergy The sum of the imposed and patient work of breathing.
TransChestWallPressure SEScalarPressure The pressure difference between the pleural space and body surface.
TransMusclePressure SEScalarPressure The respiratory muscle driver pressure relative to body surface.
TransairwayPressure SEScalarPressure The pressure difference between the airway opening and alveoli.
TransalveolarPressure SEScalarPressure The pressure difference between the alveoli and pleural space.
TranspulmonaryPressure SEScalarPressure The pressure difference between the alveoli and the intrapleural space.
TransrespiratoryPressure SEScalarPressure The pressure difference between the airway opening and body surface.
TransthoracicPressure SEScalarPressure The pressure difference between the alveoli and body surface.
VentilationPerfusionRatio SEScalar (AKA V/Q Ratio) The ratio of the air that reaches the alveoli (ventilation) to the blood that reaches the alveoli via the capillaries (perfusion).


Provides data pertaining to the extracellular and intracelluar space.

Property Name Type Definition
CarbonDioxideProductionRate SEScalarVolumePerTime The carbon dioxide generated on the tissue level from aerobic metabolism.
ExtracellularFluidVolume SEScalarVolume Volume of fluid outside of cells AND outside of the blood vessels.
ExtravascularFluidVolume SEScalarVolume Total fluid volume outside of the blood vessels.
IntracellularFluidPH SEScalar The acidity or alkalinity of the extravascular intercellular fluid.
IntracellularFluidVolume SEScalarVolume Volume of fluid in the cells outside of the blood vessels.
OxygenConsumptionRate SEScalarVolumePerTime The oxygen consumed on the tissue level from aerobic metabolism.
RespiratoryExchangeRatio SEScalar The true ratio of carbon dioxide produced to oxygen consumed.
TotalFluidVolume SEScalarVolume Sum of extravascular and intravascular/blood volumes.


Property Name Type Definition
NormalSinus Enum Normal electical signal and mechanical function.
SinusBradycardia Enum Normal electical signal with reduced heart rate.
SinusTachycardia Enum Normal electical signal and increased heart rate.
SinusPulselessElectricalActivity Enum Electical signal, but no mechanical function.
Asystole Enum No electrical signal or mechanical function.
CoarseVentricularFibrillation Enum Unorganized electrical signal, no mechanical function.
FineVentricularFibrillation Enum Unorganized electrical signal, reduced amplitude compared to coarse VF, no mechanical function.
PulselessVentricularTachycardia Enum Ventricular tachycardia electrical signal with reduced amplitude, but no mechanical function.
StableVentricularTachycardia Enum Ventricular tachycardia electrical signal with increased heart rate.
UnstableVentricularTachycardia Enum Ventricular tachycardia electrical signal with increased heart rate, reduced heart elastance.


Enumeration for equipment to inform about what and how the current breath is.

Property Name Type Definition
NoBreath Enum
PatientInitiatedInhale Enum
PatientInitiatedPause Enum
PatientInitiatedExhale Enum
EquipmentInitiatedInhale Enum
EquipmentInitiatedPause Enum
EquipmentInitiatedExhale Enum
ExpiratoryHold Enum
InspiratoryHold Enum


Enumeration for driver shapes.

Property Name Type Definition
NullDriverWaveform Enum
Square Enum
AscendingRamp Enum
DescendingRamp Enum
ExponentialGrowth Enum
ExponentialDecay Enum
SinusoidalRise Enum
SinusoidalFall Enum
SigmoidalRise Enum
SigmoidalFall Enum

The following tables describe the are actions that may be performed on the patient




Fight or flight. The body prepares to defend itself.

Property Name Type Definition
Severity SEScalar0To1 Scale of affect, 0 being none, 1 being the highest possible.


A blockage of the Airway leading to no respiration/air flow in or out of the body.

Property Name Type Definition
Severity SEScalar0To1 Scale of affect, 0 being none, 1 being the highest possible.


Property Name Type Definition
Rhythm Enum eHeartRhythmTable


Property Name Type Definition
Severity SEScalar0To1 Scale of affect, 0 being none, 1 being the highest possible.


A non-localized traumatic brain injury.

Property Name Type Definition
Severity SEScalar0To1 Scale of affect, 0 being none, 1 being the highest possible.
Type Enum BrainInjuryData_eTypeTable


Constriction of the airways in the lungs due to tightening of surrounding smooth muscle.

Property Name Type Definition
Severity SEScalar0To1 Scale of affect, 0 being none, 1 being the highest possible.


Modify the Cardiovascular mechanics.

Property Name Type Definition
Modifiers SECardiovascularMechanicsModifiers CardiovascularMechanicsModifiersTable
ModifiersFile String File containing a RespiratoryMechanics object with properties to set in the system object.


A single CPR compression to the chest cavity in order to pump blood through the heart.

Property Name Type Definition
CompressionPeriod SEScalarTime The length of time the compression force is to be applied.
Depth SEScalarLength Amount of force applied to the chest.
Force SEScalarForce Amount of force applied to the chest.


Reoccuring CPR chest compressions to pump blood through the heart.

Property Name Type Definition
AppliedForceFraction SEScalar0To1 OPTIONAL The fraction of the derived compression period to apply the given force for each compression.
CompressionFrequency SEScalarFrequency Compression rate, translates to heart rate.
Depth SEScalarLength Amount of force applied to the chest.
Force SEScalarForce Amount of force applied to the chest.


CPR action to be used when connecting to hardware sensors or specifying your own waveform. Force will remain constant until explicitly changed.

Property Name Type Definition
Depth SEScalarLength Amount of force applied to the chest.
Force SEScalarForce Amount of force applied to the chest.


Applies an occlusive dressing to either the left or right side of the chest. An occlusive dressing is an air and water-tight trauma dressing that provides immediate control of pressure and bleeding that occurs with an open pneumothorax.

Property Name Type Definition
Side Enum eSideTable
State Enum eSwitchTable


Worsen the effects of the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease condition.

Property Name Type Definition
BronchitisSeverity SEScalar0To1 Scale of affect, 0 being none, 1 being the highest possible.


An ordered list of conscious breath commands for the patient to preform.

Property Name Type Definition
Commands List of Commands ForcedPauseTable


Consume nutrients into the body.

Property Name Type Definition
Nutrition SENutrition NutritionTable
NutritionFile String External file containing a NutritionData definition.


Reduction of achieved respiration rate and/or tidal volume by inhibiting the respiratory breathing mechanism (i.e., muscles of respiration). Maximum severity of either will stop breathing completely.

Property Name Type Definition
RespirationRateSeverity SEScalar0To1 Scale of affect for frequency of spontaneous breathing.
TidalVolumeSeverity SEScalar0To1 Scale of affect for amplitude of spontaneous breathing.


Increase the patient's metabolic rate leading to an increase in core temperature, cardiac output, respiration rate and tidal volume.

Property Name Type Definition
Intensity SEScalar0To1 Fractional representation of the maximum patient exertion.


A hemorrhage is the loss of blood escaping from the circulatory system. Typically, a healthy person can endure a loss of 10 to 15 percent of the total blood volume without serious medical difficulties.

Property Name Type Definition
Compartment Enum
FlowRate SEScalarVolumePerTime
Severity SEScalar0To1
Type Enum


A hemothorax is an abnormal collection of blood in the pleural space that separates the lung from the chest wall.

Property Name Type Definition
FlowRate SEScalarVolumePerTime
Severity SEScalar0To1
Side Enum


Generic way to specify the effectivness of alveolar exchange.

Property Name Type Definition
ImpairedFraction SEScalar0To1 Surface Area Fraction of the impaired alveoli.
ImpairedSurfaceArea SEScalarArea Surface Area of the impaired alveoli.
Severity SEScalar0To1 Scale of affect, 0 being none, 1 being the highest possible.


Insertion of tube or adjuct into the patient's airway.

Property Name Type Definition
Type Enum IntubationData_eTypeTable


Mechanically breathing for the patient, such as with a squeeze bag or other equipment.

Property Name Type Definition
Aerosol List of SESubstanceConcentration SubstanceConcentrationTable
Flow SEScalarVolumePerTime Flow produced.
GasFraction List of SESubstanceFraction SubstanceFractionTable
Pressure SEScalarPressure Pressure produced.


A 14-16G intravenous caninula is inserted into the second rib-space in the mid-clavcular line. The needle is advanced until air can be aspirated into a connecting syringe. The needle is withdrawn and the caninula is left to allow air flow out of the pleural space. This effectively converts the closed pneumothorax into an open pneumothorax.

Property Name Type Definition
Side Enum eSideTable


Property Name Type Definition
Type Enum ePatientAssessmentTypeTable


Pericardial effusion ("fluid around the heart") is an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the pericardial cavity. Because of the limited amount of space in the pericardial cavity, fluid accumulation leads to an increased intrapericardial pressure which can negatively affect heart function. A pericardial effusion with enough pressure to adversely affect heart function is called cardiac tamponade. Pericardial effusion usually results from a disturbed equilibrium between the production andre-absorption of pericardial fluid, or from a structural abnormality that allows fluid to enter the pericardial cavity. Normal levels of pericardial fluid are from 15 to 50 mL.

Property Name Type Definition
EffusionRate SEScalarVolumePerTime Rate at which fluid is filling the pericardial cavity.


Worsen the effects of the Pneumonia condition.


Pulmonary shunt is when the alveoli of the lungs are perfused with blood as normal, but ventilation (the supply of air) fails to supply the perfused region.

Property Name Type Definition
Severity SEScalar0To1 Scale of affect, 0 being none, 1 being the highest possible.


Respiratory muscle weakness caused by excessive effort relative to the strength and endurance of the muscles.

Property Name Type Definition
Severity SEScalar0To1 Scale of affect, 0 no dyspnea, 1 having dyspnea.


Update the parameters of the Respiratory mechanics.

Property Name Type Definition
Settings SERespiratoryMechanics RespiratoryMechanicsTable
SettingsFile String File containing a RespiratoryMechanics object with properties to set in the system object.


Modify the Respiratory mechanics.

Property Name Type Definition
Modifiers SERespiratoryMechanicsModifiers RespiratoryMechanicsModifiersTable
ModifiersFile String File containing a RespiratoryMechanics object with properties to set in the system object.


An administration of a substance that is given all at one time to raise its concentration in blood to an effective level.

Property Name Type Definition
AdministrationDuration SEScalarTime Length of time taken to fully administer the bolus.
AdministrationRoute Enum SubstanceBolusData_eRouteTable
Concentration SEScalarMassPerVolume Concentration of the dose to administer.
Dose SEScalarVolume Volume of dose to administer.
Substance String SubstanceTable


Continuous injection of a compound.

Property Name Type Definition
BagVolume SEScalarVolume Amount of substance in bag.
Rate SEScalarVolumePerTime Flow rate of the infusion into the body.
SubstanceCompound String


Continuous injection of a specific substance.

Property Name Type Definition
Concentration SEScalarMassPerVolume Concentration of the dose to administer.
Rate SEScalarVolumePerTime Flow rate of the infusion into the body.
Substance String SubstanceTable
Volume SEScalarVolume Amount of substance to infuse.


Extra Oxygen provided to the patient.

Property Name Type Definition
Device Enum SupplementalOxygenData_eDeviceTable
Flow SEScalarVolumePerTime Flow rate through the device.
Volume SEScalarVolume The amount of Oxygen to supplement.


A pneumothorax is an abnormal collection of air or gas in the pleural space that separates the lung from the chest wall. Like pleural effusion (liquid buildup in that space), pneumothorax may interfere with normal breathing.

Property Name Type Definition
Severity SEScalar0To1 Scale of affect, 0 being none, 1 being the highest possible.
Side Enum eSideTable
Type Enum eGateTable


Tube thoracostomy is the insertion of a tube (chest tube) into the pleural cavity to drain air, blood, bile, pus, or other fluids.

Property Name Type Definition
FlowRate SEScalarVolumePerTime OPTIONAL Suction flow rate.
Side Enum eSideTable


Empty the bladder of its contents.


Pause breathing at 0 pressure. There will be no inflow or out flow of air during the specified period.

Property Name Type Definition
Period SEScalarTime Duration of the breath hold.


Administer a substance through an Inhaler. This command will represent a single press of an Inhaler.


Force air out of the lungs.

Property Name Type Definition
HoldPeriod SEScalarTime Duration to hold at the end of inhale.
InhalePeriod SEScalarTime Duration of the inhale.
InspiratoryCapacityFraction SEScalar0To1 The fraction of the Inspiratory capacity that will be filled by the breath.
ReleasePeriod SEScalarTime Duration to get back to equilibrium/FRC.


Force air into the lungs.

Property Name Type Definition
ExhalePeriod SEScalarTime Duration of the exhale.
ExpiratoryReserveVolumeFraction SEScalar0To1 The fraction of the Expiratory Reserve Volume that is forced out of the body.
HoldPeriod SEScalarTime Duration to at the end of exhale.
ReleasePeriod SEScalarTime Duration to get back to equilibrium/FRC.


Types of Brain Injury that provided different nervous responses.

Property Name Type Definition
Diffuse Enum A brain injury dilating both eye pupils.
LeftFocal Enum A brain injury dilating the left eye pupil.
RightFocal Enum A brain injury dilating the right eye pupil.


Compartments Supporting External Hemorrhages.

Property Name Type Definition
None Enum
Aorta Enum
Brain Enum
Muscle Enum
LargeIntestine Enum
LeftArm Enum
LeftKidney Enum
LeftLeg Enum
Liver Enum
RightArm Enum
RightKidney Enum
RightLeg Enum
Skin Enum
SmallIntestine Enum
Splanchnic Enum
Spleen Enum
VenaCava Enum


Property Name Type Definition
External Enum
Internal Enum


Enumeration Types of Intubation/Airway Adjuncts.

Property Name Type Definition
Off Enum Remove intubation.
Esophageal Enum Insert into the Esophagus.
LeftMainstem Enum Insert into the left main stem inflating only the left lung.
RightMainstem Enum Insert into the right main stem inflating only the right lung.
Tracheal Enum Insert into the Trachea.
Oropharyngeal Enum Oropharyngeal Adjunct.
Nasopharyngeal Enum Nasopharyngeal Adjunct.


Types of Substance Administration means.

Property Name Type Definition
Intravenous Enum Injection into a vein.
Epidural Enum Injection into a epidural space.
Intraosseous Enum Injection into the bone marrow.
Intraarterial Enum Injection into an artery.
Intracardiac Enum Injection into the heart.
Intracerebral Enum Injection into the brain.
Intracerebroventricular Enum Injection into the cerebral ventricles.
Intradermal Enum Injection into the skin.
Intramuscular Enum Injection into the muscle.
Subcutaneous Enum Injection under the skin.


Property Name Type Definition
None Enum device is removed.
NasalCannula Enum Nasal Cannula.
SimpleMask Enum Simple Mask.
NonRebreatherMask Enum Non-Rebreather Mask.


Property Name Type Definition
ArterialBloodGasTest Enum ArterialBloodGasTestTable
CompleteBloodCount Enum CompleteBloodCountTable
ComprehensiveMetabolicPanel Enum ComprehensiveMetabolicPanelTable
Urinalysis Enum UrinalysisTable


Nutritional information for eating.

Property Name Type Definition
Calcium SEScalarMass
Carbohydrate SEScalarMass
CarbohydrateDigestionRate SEScalarMassPerTime
Fat SEScalarMass
FatDigestionRate SEScalarMassPerTime
Protein SEScalarMass
ProteinDigestionRate SEScalarMassPerTime
Sodium SEScalarMass
Water SEScalarVolume


Specify an amount of time to digest the specified nutrition information.

Property Name Type Definition
Calcium SEScalarMass
Carbohydrate SEScalarMass
CarbohydrateDigestionRate SEScalarMassPerTime
ElapsedTime SEScalarTime
Fat SEScalarMass
FatDigestionRate SEScalarMassPerTime
Protein SEScalarMass
ProteinDigestionRate SEScalarMassPerTime
Sodium SEScalarMass
Water SEScalarVolume

The following tables describe the assessments that may be performed on the patient


Property Name Type Definition
Hematocrit SEScalar0To1 Volume percentage of red blood cells in the blood.
Hemoglobin SEScalarMassPerVolume The concentration of hemoglobin in the blood.
MeanCorpuscularHemoglobin SEScalarMassPerAmount (MCH) Hemoglobin amount per red blood cell.
MeanCorpuscularHemoglobinConcentration SEScalarMassPerVolume (MCHC) The amount of hemoglobin relative to the size of the cell (hemoglobin concentration) per red blood cell.
MeanCorpuscularVolume SEScalarVolume (MCV) Average red blood cell size.
PlateletCount SEScalarAmountPerVolume Number of platelets per volume of blood.
RedBloodCellCount SEScalarAmountPerVolume Number of red blood cells per volume of blood.
WhiteBloodCellCount SEScalarAmountPerVolume Number of white blood cells per volume of blood.


Property Name Type Definition
ALP SEScalarMassPerVolume Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is a protein found in all body tissues. Tissues with higher amounts of ALP include the liver, bile ducts, and bone.
ALT SEScalarMassPerVolume Alanine transaminase (ALT) is an enzyme found in the highest amounts in the liver. Injury to the liver results in release of the substance into the blood.
AST SEScalarMassPerVolume AST (aspartate aminotransferase) is an enzyme found in high amounts in liver, heart, and muscle cells. It is also found in lesser amounts in other tissues.
Albumin SEScalarMassPerVolume Albumin is a protein made by the liver. A serum albumin test measures the amount of this protein in the clear liquid portion of the blood.
BUN SEScalarMassPerVolume BUN stands for blood urea nitrogen. Urea nitrogen is what forms when protein breaks down.
CO2 SEScalarAmountPerVolume Most of the CO2 is in the form of a substance called bicarbonate (HCO3-). Therefore, the CO2 blood test is really a measure of your blood bicarbonate level.
Calcium SEScalarMassPerVolume About half of the calcium in the blood is attached to proteins, mainly albumin. For this reason, the calcium blood test can be misleading, and sometimes needs tests to confirm the result.
Chloride SEScalarAmountPerVolume Chloride is a type of electrolyte. It works with other electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, and carbon dioxide (CO2). These substances help keep the proper balance of body fluids and maintain the body's acid-base balance.
Creatinine SEScalarMassPerVolume Measures the level of creatinine in the blood. This test is done to see how well your kidneys work.
Glucose SEScalarMassPerVolume Measures the amount of a sugar called glucose in a sample of your blood.
Potassium SEScalarAmountPerVolume Measures the amount of potassium in the fluid portion (serum) of the blood. Potassium (K+) helps nerves and muscles communicate. It also helps move nutrients into cells and waste products out of cells.
Sodium SEScalarAmountPerVolume Measures the amount of sodium in the blood.
TotalBilirubin SEScalarMassPerVolume Bilirubin is a yellowish pigment found in bile, a fluid made by the liver. A small amount of older red blood cells are replaced by new blood cells every day. Bilirubin is left after these older blood cells are removed. The liver helps break down bilirubin so that it can be removed from the body in the stool.
TotalProtein SEScalarMassPerVolume Measures the total amount of two classes of proteins found in the fluid portion of your blood. These are albumin and globulin.


Property Name Type Definition
Bicarbonate SEScalarEquivalentWeightPerVolume A chemical that helps prevent the pH of blood from becoming too acidic or too basic.
BloodPH SEScalar The amount of hydrogen ions in blood indicating the acidity or basicity of the blood.
OxygenSaturation SEScalar The amount of oxygen being carried by the hemoglobin in the red blood cells.
PartialPressureOfCarbonDioxide SEScalarPressure The pressure of carbon dioxide dissolved in the blood. It determines how well carbon dioxide is able to flow out of the body..
PartialPressureOfOxygen SEScalarPressure The pressure of oxygen dissolved in the blood. It determines how well oxygen is able to flow from the lungs into the blood.


Amount of yeasts viewed.

Property Name Type Definition
Appearance Enum Clarity of the urine.
Bilirubin SEScalar Bilirubin is not present in the urine of normal, healthy individuals. Bilirubin is a waste product that is produced by the liver from the hemoglobin of RBCs that are removed from circulation.
Blood Enum This test is used to detect hemoglobin in the urine (hemoglobinuria). Hemoglobin is an oxygen-transporting protein found inside red blood cells (RBCs). Its presence in the urine indicates blood in the urine (known as hematuria).
Color Enum Color of the urine.
Glucose Enum Glucose is normally not present in urine. When glucose is present, the condition is called glucosuria.
Ketone Enum Ketones are not normally found in the urine. They are intermediate products of fat metabolism. They can form when a person does process enough carbohydrates.
LeukocyteEsterase Enum Leukocyte esterase is an enzyme present in most white blood cells (WBCs). Normally, a few white blood cells (see microscopic examination) are present in urine and this test is negative. When the number of WBCs in urine increases significantly, this screening test will become positive.
Microscopic SEUrinalysisMicroscopic UrinalysisMicroscopicTable
Nitrite Enum This test detects nitrite and is based upon the fact that many bacteria can convert nitrate to nitrite in the urine.
PH SEScalar
Protein Enum The protein test pad measures the amount of albumin in the urine. Normally, there will not be detectable quantities.
SpecificGravity SEScalar A measure of urine concentration that can be determined using a chemical test.
Urobilinogen SEScalarMassPerVolume Urobilinogen is normally present in urine in low concentrations. It is formed in the intestine from bilirubin, and a portion of it is absorbed back into the bloodstream.


Property Name Type Definition
ArterialBloodGasTest Enum ArterialBloodGasTestTable
CompleteBloodCount Enum CompleteBloodCountTable
ComprehensiveMetabolicPanel Enum ComprehensiveMetabolicPanelTable
Urinalysis Enum UrinalysisTable


Property Name Type Definition
NullPresence Enum
Positive Enum
Negative Enum


Property Name Type Definition
NullClarity Enum
Translucent Enum
SlightlyCloudy Enum
Cloudy Enum
Turbid Enum


Property Name Type Definition
NullColor Enum
PaleYellow Enum
Yellow Enum
DarkYellow Enum


Property Name Type Definition
NullObservationType Enum
LowPowerField Enum
HighPowerField Enum


Property Name Type Definition
NullObservationAmount Enum
Few Enum
Moderate Enum
Many Enum

The following tables describe the external environment that surrounds the patient





The environmental conditions surrounding the patient.

Property Name Type Definition
AirDensity SEScalarMassPerVolume Local ambient density of the surrounding atmosphere.
AirVelocity SEScalarLengthPerTime Velocity of the surrounding air relative to the patient.
AmbientAerosol List of SESubstanceConcentration SubstanceConcentrationTable
AmbientGas List of SESubstanceFraction SubstanceFractionTable
AmbientTemperature SEScalarTemperature Local ambient temperature of the surrounding air/fluid (if submerged).
AtmosphericPressure SEScalarPressure Local ambient pressure of the surrounding atmosphere.
ClothingResistance SEScalarHeatResistanceArea Average thermal resistance of all patient clothing.
Emissivity SEScalar0To1 Efficiency of the patient's surface to emit thermal energy.
MeanRadiantTemperature SEScalarTemperature The uniform temperature of an imaginary enclosure in which the radiant heat transfer from the patient's body is equal to the radiant heat transfer in the actual non-uniform enclosure.
MechanicalDeadSpace SEScalarVolume A volume of breathing gas that functions as an external extension of the physiological dead space, such as with a face mask or diving helmet.
RelativeHumidity SEScalar0To1 Local ambient ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor to the equilibrium vapor pressure of water at the same temperature.
RespirationAmbientTemperature SEScalarTemperature Local ambient temperature of the surrounding air that is inhaled.
SurroundingType Enum EnvironmentalConditionsData_eSurroundingTypeTable


Equipment or clothing activly changing the skin temperature of the patient.

Property Name Type Definition
SurfaceArea SEScalarArea SurfaceArea of the patient that the temperature is being appllied to.
SurfaceAreaFraction SEScalar0To1 SurfaceArea Fraction of the body that the temperature is being appllied to.
Temperature SEScalarTemperature Temperature of an object held on the patient.



Equipment or clothing activly changing the surounding environment of the patient.

Property Name Type Definition
Power SEScalarPower Heat sink/source power. Set to zero to turn off conditioning.
SurfaceArea SEScalarArea SurfaceArea of the body that is being affected.
SurfaceAreaFraction SEScalar0To1 SurfaceArea Fraction of the body that is being affected.


The overall environment of the patient.

Property Name Type Definition
ActiveCooling SEActiveConditioning ActiveConditioningTable
ActiveHeating SEActiveConditioning ActiveConditioningTable
AppliedTemperature SEAppliedTemperature AppliedTemperatureTable
ConvectiveHeatLoss SEScalarPower Total patient heat loss due to convection.
ConvectiveHeatTranferCoefficient SEScalarHeatConductancePerArea The proportionality coefficient between the heat flux and the thermodynamic driving force for the flow of heat due to convection.
EnvironmentalConditions SEEnvironmentalConditions EnvironmentalConditionsTable
EvaporativeHeatLoss SEScalarPower Total patient heat loss due to evaporation.
EvaporativeHeatTranferCoefficient SEScalarHeatConductancePerArea The proportionality coefficient between the heat flux and the thermodynamic driving force for the flow of heat due to evaporation.
RadiativeHeatLoss SEScalarPower Total patient heat loss due to radiation.
RadiativeHeatTranferCoefficient SEScalarHeatConductancePerArea The proportionality coefficient between the heat flux and the thermodynamic driving force for the flow of heat due to radiation.
RespirationHeatLoss SEScalarPower Total heat loss from the Respiratory System.
SkinHeatLoss SEScalarPower Total heat loss from the Respiratory skin.


The environment conditions to change.

Property Name Type Definition
EnvironmentalConditions SEEnvironmentalConditions EnvironmentalConditionsTable
EnvironmentalConditionsFile String File containing an environment conditions objet with properties to set in the environmental conditions.


Create an external heat source.

Property Name Type Definition
ActiveCooling SEActiveConditioning ActiveConditioningTable
ActiveHeating SEActiveConditioning ActiveConditioningTable
AppliedTemperature SEAppliedTemperature AppliedTemperatureTable


The configuration of the environment to use during stabilization.

Property Name Type Definition
EnvironmentalConditions SEEnvironmentalConditions EnvironmentalConditionsTable
EnvironmentalConditionsFile String File containing an environment conditions objet with properties to set in the environmental conditions.


Property Name Type Definition
NullSurrounding Enum
Air Enum
Water Enum

The following tables describe the anesthesia machine


Amount of oxygen in the bottle.

Property Name Type Definition
Connection Enum eSwitchTable
InletFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime The total fresh gas inlet flow.
InspiratoryExpiratoryRatio SEScalar The ratio of time spent in the inspiratory phase vs the expiratory phase of respiration.
LeftChamber SEAnesthesiaMachineChamber AnesthesiaMachineChamberTable
OxygenBottleOne SEAnesthesiaMachineOxygenBottle AnesthesiaMachineOxygenBottleTable
OxygenBottleTwo SEAnesthesiaMachineOxygenBottle AnesthesiaMachineOxygenBottleTable
OxygenFraction SEScalar0To1 The fraction of the fresh gas inlet flow that is oxygen.
OxygenSource Enum AnesthesiaMachineData_eOxygenSourceTable
PeakInspiratoryPressure SEScalarPressure The peak pressure of the ventilator.
PositiveEndExpiratoryPressure SEScalarPressure The pressure above atmospheric pressure that exists in the lungs at the end of expiration.
PrimaryGas Enum AnesthesiaMachineData_ePrimaryGasTable
ReliefValvePressure SEScalarPressure Pressure at while the valve opens to prevent a build up of pressure in the system.
RespiratoryRate SEScalarFrequency The prescribed rate of positive-pressure ventilation.
RightChamber SEAnesthesiaMachineChamber AnesthesiaMachineChamberTable


A vaporization chamber that can be filled with a particular substance for inhalation.

Property Name Type Definition
Substance String The name of the substance.
SubstanceFraction SEScalar0To1 The fraction of the substance supplied by the vaporizer chamber.


A bottle of Oxygen.

Property Name Type Definition
Volume SEScalarVolume Amount of oxygen in the bottle.



The vaporizer fails.

Property Name Type Definition
Severity SEScalar0To1 Severity of the failure from 0 to 1.


The configuration of the anesthesia machine to use.

Property Name Type Definition
Configuration SEAnesthesiaMachine AnesthesiaMachineTable
ConfigurationFile String File containing an anesthesia machine objet with properties to set in the system anesthesia machine.


The active oxygen tank losses pressure.


A leak in the tube cuff.

Property Name Type Definition
Severity SEScalar0To1 Severity of the leak from 0 to 1.


An obstruction in the expiritory valve.

Property Name Type Definition
Severity SEScalar0To1 Severity of the obstruction from 0 to 1.


A leak in the inspiratory valve.

Property Name Type Definition
Severity SEScalar0To1 Severity of the leak from 0 to 1.


A soda lime failure.

Property Name Type Definition
Severity SEScalar0To1 Severity of the failure from 0 to 1.


A leak in the expiritory valve.

Property Name Type Definition
Severity SEScalar0To1 Severity of the leak from 0 to 1.


An obstruction in the inspiritory valve.

Property Name Type Definition
Severity SEScalar0To1 Severity of the obstruction from 0 to 1.


The wall port losses oxygen pressure.


A leak in the mask.

Property Name Type Definition
Severity SEScalar0To1 Severity of the leak from 0 to 1.


The ventilator losses pressure.

Property Name Type Definition
Severity SEScalar0To1 Severity of the loss from 0 to 1.


The Y Piece becomes disconnected.

Property Name Type Definition
Severity SEScalar0To1 Severity of the leak from 0 to 1.


Property Name Type Definition
NullSource Enum
NoSource Enum
Wall Enum
BottleOne Enum
BottleTwo Enum


Property Name Type Definition
NullGas Enum
NoGas Enum
Air Enum
Nitrogen Enum

The following tables describe the bag valve mask


Property Name Type Definition
BagResistance SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume Bag resistance.
BreathState Enum eBreathStateTable
ConcentrationInspiredAerosol List of SESubstanceConcentration SubstanceConcentrationTable
Connection Enum BagValveMaskData_eConnectionTable
ConnectionVolume SEScalarVolume Dead space volume of the connection (i.e., mask/tube).
FilterResistance SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume Filter resistance.
FilterVolume SEScalarVolume Dead space volume of the filter.
FractionInspiredGas List of SESubstanceFraction SubstanceFractionTable
SealResistance SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume Seal resistance.
ValvePositiveEndExpiratoryPressure SEScalarPressure Maximum extrinsic pressure above atmosphere at the end of exhalation.
ValveResistance SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume Valve Resistance.
ValveVolume SEScalarVolume Dead space volume of the valve.



Specify a single squeeze cycle of the bag. Repeat as needed. Newly added actions will override a previous unfinished squeeze cycle.

Property Name Type Definition
BreathFrequency SEScalarFrequency Bag squeeze rate, translates to respiration rate.
InspiratoryExpiratoryRatio SEScalar The ratio of the length of time of inspiration to the length of time of expiration.
SqueezePressure SEScalarPressure Maximum extrinsic pressure above atmosphere during inhalation.
SqueezeVolume SEScalarVolume The volume of air moved into or out of the lungs during normal respiration.


The configuration of the bag valve mask to use.

Property Name Type Definition
Configuration SEBagValveMask BagValveMaskTable
ConfigurationFile String File containing a BVM object with properties to set in the system object.


Specify a single squeeze cycle of the bag. Repeat as needed. Newly added actions will override a previous unfinished squeeze cycle.

Property Name Type Definition
ExpiratoryPeriod SEScalarTime Total length of expiration phase.
InspiratoryPeriod SEScalarTime Total length of inspiration phase.
SqueezePressure SEScalarPressure Maximum extrinsic pressure above atmosphere during inhalation.
SqueezeVolume SEScalarVolume The volume of air moved into or out of the lungs during normal respiration.


BVM action to be used when connecting to hardware sensors or specifying your own waveform. Values will remain constant until explicitly changed.

Property Name Type Definition
Flow SEScalarVolumePerTime Instantaneous flow at the bag.
Pressure SEScalarPressure Instantaneous pressure at the bag.

The following tables describe the ECMO machine


Set specific substance concentrations in the oxygenator.

Property Name Type Definition
Settings SEECMOSettings ECMOSettingsTable


Property Name Type Definition
InflowLocation Enum eECMOCannulationLocation
OutflowLocation Enum eECMOCannulationLocation
OxygenatorVolume SEScalarVolume Includes the volume in the device and tubing.
SubstanceCompound String Add the compound substance concentrations to the oxygenator.
SubstanceConcentration List of SESubstanceConcentration SubstanceConcentrationTable
TransfusionFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime Total compliance of the entire mechanical ventilator circuit.



The configuration of the ECMO to use.

Property Name Type Definition
Settings SEECMOSettings ECMOSettingsTable
SettingsFile String File containing a settings object with properties to set in the system object.

The following tables describe the ECG


Generic ECG machine to assess the heart rhythm.

Property Name Type Definition
Lead3ElectricPotential SEScalarElectricPotential The amount of electric potential given off by lead 3 of the ECG.
Waveforms List of SEElectroCardioGramWaveform ElectroCardioGramWaveformTable


Property Name Type Definition
Lead Enum Lead number of the waveform provided.
OriginalData SEArrayElectricPotential ArrayElectricPotentialTable
Type Enum Waveform type for an associated rhythm.

The following tables describe the inhaler


Generic inhaler for substance administration.

Property Name Type Definition
MeteredDose SEScalarMass Dosage of substance.
NozzleLoss SEScalar0To1 Fraction of substance lost from the inhaler. -.
SpacerVolume SEScalarVolume Volume of a spacer, if used.
Substance String Substance contained.



The configuration of the inhaler to use.

Property Name Type Definition
Configuration SEInhaler InhalerTable
ConfigurationFile String File containing an inhaler objet with properties to set in the system inhaler.

The following tables describe the mechanical ventilator



Concentration of added aerosolized substances.

Property Name Type Definition
AirwayPressure SEScalarPressure The instantaneous pressure applied during positive-pressure mechanical ventilation.
BreathState Enum eBreathStateTable
DynamicRespiratoryCompliance SEScalarVolumePerPressure The respiratory compliance during periods of gas flow.
EndTidalCarbonDioxideFraction SEScalar0To1 The fraction of gas in the mouth/nose that is carbon dioxide at the end of each respiratory cycle.
EndTidalCarbonDioxidePressure SEScalarPressure The pressure of gas in the mouth/nose that is carbon dioxide at the end of each respiratory cycle.
EndTidalOxygenFraction SEScalar0To1 The fraction of gas in the mouth/nose that is oxygen at the end of each respiratory cycle.
EndTidalOxygenPressure SEScalarPressure The pressure of gas in the mouth/nose that is oxygen at the end of each respiratory cycle.
ExpiratoryFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime Instantaneous airflow out of the lungs (negative value when inhaling).
ExpiratoryResistance SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume The total resistance to airflow through the lungs during expiration.
ExpiratoryTidalVolume SEScalarVolume The volume of air moved into or out of the lungs during normal expiration.
ExtrinsicPositiveEndExpiratoryPressure SEScalarPressure The positive pressure intentionally applied to the airways at the end of expiration (i.e., the PEEP setting).
InspiratoryExpiratoryRatio SEScalar The ratio of the length of time of inspiration to the length of time of expiration.
InspiratoryFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime The instantaneous airflow into the lungs (negative value when exhaling).
InspiratoryResistance SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume The total resistance to airflow through the lungs during inspiration.
InspiratoryTidalVolume SEScalarVolume The volume of air moved into or out of the lungs during normal inspiration.
IntrinsicPositiveEndExpiratoryPressure SEScalarPressure The alveolar pressure at the end of expiration above extrinsic - also known as auto-PEEP, air trapping, or dynamic hyperinflation.
LeakFraction SEScalar0To1 The fraction of gas volume lost during the ventilation cycle determined from the air volume in and out difference.
MeanAirwayPressure SEScalarPressure The mean pressure applied during positive-pressure mechanical ventilation.
PeakExpiratoryFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime The highest airflow during exhalation.
PeakInspiratoryFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime The highest airflow during inhalation.
PeakInspiratoryPressure SEScalarPressure The highest pressure applied to the lungs (alveolar pressure) above atmospheric pressure during inhalation.
PlateauPressure SEScalarPressure The pressure applied by the ventilator measured at end-inspiration with an inspiratory hold maneuver.
RespirationRate SEScalarFrequency The frequency of the respiratory cycle.
Settings SEMechanicalVentilatorSettings MechanicalVentilatorSettingsTable
StaticRespiratoryCompliance SEScalarVolumePerPressure The respiratory compliance during periods without gas flow.
TidalVolume SEScalarVolume The volume of air moved into or out of the lungs during normal respiration.
TotalLungVolume SEScalarVolume The total volume of air within the lungs at any given time.
TotalPositiveEndExpiratoryPressure SEScalarPressure The overall pressure in the alveoli at the end of expiration above atmospheric pressure.
TotalPulmonaryVentilation SEScalarVolumePerTime The amount of air that enters the lungs as a function of time - can be used for minute ventilation.


Property Name Type Definition
Compliance SEScalarVolumePerPressure Total compliance of the entire mechanical ventilator circuit.
ConcentrationInspiredAerosol List of SESubstanceConcentration SubstanceConcentrationTable
Connection Enum eSwitchTable
ConnectionVolume SEScalarVolume Dead space volume of the connection (i.e., mask/tube).
DriverDampingParameter SEScalarFrequency Fractional change parameter to prevent abrupt changes to the driver.
ExpirationCycleFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime Ventilator sensor flow value to trigger expiration phase.
ExpirationCyclePressure SEScalarPressure Ventilator sensor pressure value to trigger expiration phase.
ExpirationCycleRespiratoryModel Enum Trigger expiration phase from respiratory model event.
ExpirationCycleTime SEScalarTime Total length of inspiration phase to trigger expiration phase.
ExpirationCycleVolume SEScalarVolume Ventilator sensor volume change (i.e., tidal volume) to trigger expiration phase.
ExpirationLimbVolume SEScalarVolume Dead space volume of the expiratory limb.
ExpirationTubeResistance SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume Total resistance of expiratory limb tubing.
ExpirationValveResistance SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume Total resistance of expiratory valves.
ExpirationValveVolume SEScalarVolume Dead space volume of the expiratory valve.
ExpirationWaveform Enum MechanicalVentilatorData_eDriverWaveformTable
ExpirationWaveformPeriod SEScalarTime Time to reach minimum value.
FractionInspiredGas List of SESubstanceFraction SubstanceFractionTable
FunctionalResidualCapacity SEScalarPressure Total lung volume at the end of exhalation.
InspirationLimbVolume SEScalarVolume Dead space volume of the inspiratory limb.
InspirationLimitFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime Ventilator sensor flow cutoff/maximum.
InspirationLimitPressure SEScalarPressure Ventilator sensor pressure cutoff/maximum.
InspirationLimitVolume SEScalarVolume Total lung volume cutoff/maximum.
InspirationMachineTriggerTime SEScalarTime Total length of expiration phase to trigger inspiration phase.
InspirationPatientTriggerFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime Ventilator sensor volume change value to trigger inspiration phase.
InspirationPatientTriggerPressure SEScalarPressure Ventilator sensor pressure value to trigger inspiration phase.
InspirationPatientTriggerRespiratoryModel Enum Trigger inspiration phase from respiratory model event.
InspirationPauseTime SEScalarTime Time of plateau (i.e., constant driver pressure) between inspiration and expiration.
InspirationTargetFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime Air flow at end of inhalation.
InspirationTubeResistance SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume Total resistance of inspiratory limb tubing.
InspirationValveResistance SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume Total resistance of inspiratory valves.
InspirationValveVolume SEScalarVolume Dead space volume of the inspiratory valve.
InspirationWaveform Enum MechanicalVentilatorData_eDriverWaveformTable
InspirationWaveformPeriod SEScalarTime Time to reach maximum value.
PeakInspiratoryPressure SEScalarPressure Extrinsic pressure above atmosphere at the end of inhalation.
PositiveEndExpiratoryPressure SEScalarPressure Extrinsic pressure above atmosphere at the end of exhalation.
ReliefValveThreshold SEScalarPressure Pressure at which the relief valve opens.
YPieceVolume SEScalarVolume Dead space volume of the y-piece.


The configuration of the mechanical ventilator to use.

Property Name Type Definition
Settings SEMechanicalVentilatorSettings MechanicalVentilatorSettingsTable
SettingsFile String File containing a settings object with properties to set in the system object.


How to apply provided configuration to internal data model.


Severity of the Leak, 0 = Off.


When, in the respiratory cycle, to apply the hold. Not used if Switch is Off.

Property Name Type Definition
Severity SEScalar0To1 Severity of the Leak, 0 = Off.


OPTIONAL Time to reach PIP.

Property Name Type Definition
Flow SEScalarVolumePerTime Driver flow during inspiration.
FractionInspiredOxygen SEScalar0To1 FiO2.
InspirationPatientTriggerFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime OPTIONAL Ventilator sensor flow value to trigger inspiration phase.
InspirationPatientTriggerPressure SEScalarPressure OPTIONAL Ventilator sensor pressure value to trigger inspiration phase.
InspiratoryPeriod SEScalarTime OPTIONAL Time for inspiration part of the breathing cycle.
PositiveEndExpiratoryPressure SEScalarPressure Driver pressure during exhale.
RespirationRate SEScalarFrequency Driver minimum frequency.
Slope SEScalarTime OPTIONAL Time to reach tidal volume.
TidalVolume SEScalarVolume Volume target/limit.



Property Name Type Definition
DeltaPressureSupport SEScalarPressure Defines the driver pressure as the difference between PIP and PEEP.
ExpirationCycleFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime OPTIONAL Ventilator sensor flow value to trigger expiration phase.
ExpirationCyclePressure SEScalarPressure OPTIONAL Ventilator sensor pressure value to trigger expiration phase.
FractionInspiredOxygen SEScalar0To1 FiO2.
InspirationPatientTriggerFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime OPTIONAL Ventilator sensor flow value to trigger inspiration phase.
InspirationPatientTriggerPressure SEScalarPressure OPTIONAL Ventilator sensor pressure value to trigger inspiration phase.
PositiveEndExpiratoryPressure SEScalarPressure Driver pressure during exhale.
Slope SEScalarTime OPTIONAL Time to reach PIP.


OPTIONAL Time to reach PIP.

Property Name Type Definition
FractionInspiredOxygen SEScalar0To1 FiO2.
InspirationPatientTriggerFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime OPTIONAL Ventilator sensor flow value to trigger inspiration phase.
InspirationPatientTriggerPressure SEScalarPressure OPTIONAL Ventilator sensor pressure value to trigger inspiration phase.
InspiratoryPeriod SEScalarTime OPTIONAL Time for inspiration part of the breathing cycle.
InspiratoryPressure SEScalarPressure Driver pressure during inspiration.
PositiveEndExpiratoryPressure SEScalarPressure Driver pressure during exhale.
RespirationRate SEScalarFrequency Driver minimum frequency.
Slope SEScalarTime OPTIONAL Time to reach PIP.

The following tables describe substances used in Pulse


The concentration of the substance.

Property Name Type Definition
Aerosolization SESubstanceAerosolization SubstanceAerosolizationTable
AlveolarTransfer SEScalarVolumePerTime Calculated rate of transfer that occurs during gas exchange.
BloodConcentration SEScalarMassPerVolume Concentration of this substance that is in the blood.
Clearance SESubstanceClearance SubstanceClearanceTable
Density SEScalarMassPerVolume Mass density of a substance.
DiffusingCapacity SEScalarVolumePerTimePressure Calculated value representing the ability of a gas to cross the respiratory membrane.
EndTidalFraction SEScalar0To1 The fraction of gas in the trachea that consists of the substance at the end of each respiratory cycle.
EndTidalPressure SEScalarPressure The pressure of gas in the trachea that consists of the substance at the end of each respiratory cycle.
MassInBlood SEScalarMass Amount of mass of this substance that is in the blood.
MassInBody SEScalarMass Total Amount of mass of this substance that is in the body.
MassInTissue SEScalarMass Amount of mass of this substance that is in the tissue.
MaximumDiffusionFlux SEScalarMassPerAreaTime Maximum mass flux of a substance when diffusing across a membrane.
MichaelisCoefficient SEScalar The concentration gradient at which the flux is half of the MaxDiffusionFlux.
MolarMass SEScalarMassPerAmount Molar mass of the substance.
Name String The unique name of the substance.
PD SESubstancePharmacodynamics SubstancePharmacodynamicsTable
PK SESubstancePharmacokinetics SubstancePharmacokineticsTable
PlasmaConcentration SEScalarMassPerVolume Calculated concentration of a substance in the plasma.
RelativeDiffusionCoefficient SEScalar Represents the ability of the substance to diffuse across a membrane. A proportionality of the solubility and the square root of the molecular weight as defined relative to oxygen.
SolubilityCoefficient SEScalarInversePressure Represents the ability of a substance to dissolve in a solution.
State Enum SubstanceData_eStateTable
SystemicMassCleared SEScalarMass The total amount of mass that has been systemically cleared.
TissueConcentration SEScalarMassPerVolume Concentration of this substance that is in the tissue.
Valence SEScalar Number of electrons for chemical bond formation.


Basic Substance Quantity.


Data for if a substance was to be aerosolizized.

Property Name Type Definition
BronchioleModifier SEScalarNegative1To1 Factor to characterize the localized bronchiole effects -1 is full constriction, 1 is full dilation.
InflammationCoefficient SEScalar0To1 Factor to characterize the inflamation of respiratory tract tissue caused by this substance.
ParticulateSizeDistribution SEHistogramFractionVsLength Histogram of Particle Fraction Vs. Size.


A compound made up of several substances.

Property Name Type Definition
Components List of SESubstanceCompoundComponent SubstanceCompoundComponentTable
Name String The unique name of the compound.


Property Name Type Definition
Bronchodilation SEScalarNegative1To1
DiastolicPressureModifier SEScalarNegative1To1
EC50 SEScalarMassPerVolume
EMaxShapeParameter SEScalar This used to create a sigmoid shape response. i.e. the steepness parameter in the EMax equation.
HeartRateModifier SEScalarNegative1To1 A modifier representing the effect of the drug on the heart rate.
NeuromuscularBlock SEScalarNegative1To1
PupillaryResponse SEPupillaryResponse PupillaryResponseTable
RespirationRateModifier SEScalarNegative1To1
Sedation SEScalarNegative1To1
SystolicPressureModifier SEScalarNegative1To1
TidalVolumeModifier SEScalarNegative1To1
TubularPermeabilityModifier SEScalarNegative1To1



Property Name Type Definition
ChargeInBlood Enum
FractionExcretedInFeces SEScalar0To1
FractionExcretedInUrine SEScalar0To1
FractionMetabolizedInGut SEScalar0To1
FractionUnboundInPlasma SEScalar0To1
GlomerularFilterability SEScalar
IntrinsicClearance SEScalarVolumePerTimeMass
RenalClearance SEScalarVolumePerTimeMass
RenalExcretionRate SEScalarMassPerTime
RenalFiltrationRate SEScalarMassPerTime
RenalReabsorptionRate SEScalarMassPerTime
RenalReabsorptionRatio SEScalar
RenalTransportMaximum SEScalarMassPerTime
SystemicClearance SEScalarVolumePerTimeMass


A fractional amount associated with a substance.

Property Name Type Definition
Amount SEScalar0To1 The fractional amount of the substance.
Substance String


A concentration amount associated with a substance.

Property Name Type Definition
Concentration SEScalarMassPerVolume The concentration of the substance.
Substance String


Property Name Type Definition
Name String The tissue compartment/area/organ name impacted.
PartitionCoefficient SEScalar Represents the ability of a substance to diffuse across a membrane. Calculated using the physiochemical properties of a substance.


Property Name Type Definition
AcidDissociationConstant SEScalar A quantitative measure of the strength of an acid in solution .
BindingProtein Enum SubstancePhysicochemicalsData_eBindingProteinTable.
BloodPlasmaRatio SEScalar The ratio of the substance in the blood versus the plasma.
FractionUnboundInPlasma SEScalar0To1 Fraction of the substance in the plasma that is unbound.
IonicState Enum SubstancePhysicochemicalsData_eIonicStateTable
LogP SEScalar The octanol-water partition coefficient.
OralAbsorptionRateConstant SEScalar Rate at which an orally administered drug leaves the GI tract.


Data associated with movement of drugs within the body.

Property Name Type Definition
Physicochemicals SESubstancePhysicochemicals SubstancePhysicochemicalsTable
TissueKinetics Collection CollectionTable


The quantity of a solid,liquid, or gas substance in a liquid compartment.

Property Name Type Definition
Concentration SEScalarMassPerVolume The concentration of a substance in the specified compartment.
Mass SEScalarMass The total mass of a substance in the specified compartment.
MassCleared SEScalarMass The total mass of a substance cleared in the specified compartment.
MassDeposited SEScalarMass The total mass of a substance deposited on the wall of the compartment.
MassExcreted SEScalarMass The total mass of a substance excreted in the specified compartment.
Molarity SEScalarAmountPerVolume The molarity of a substance in the specified compartment.
PartialPressure SEScalarPressure The partial pressure of a substance in the specified compartment.
Saturation SEScalar0To1 The saturation of a substance in the specified compartment. (if applicable, like O2 and CO2)


The quantity of a gas substance in a gas compartment.

Property Name Type Definition
PartialPressure SEScalarPressure The partial pressure of a substance in the specified compartment.
Volume SEScalarVolume The total volume of a substance in the specified compartment.
VolumeFraction SEScalar0To1 The amount of a substcane in the specified comparment as a fraction of all substance volume.


Basic Substance Quantity.


The quantity of a solid,liquid, or gas substance in a liquid compartment.

Property Name Type Definition
Concentration SEScalarMassPerVolume The concentration of a substance in the specified compartment.
Mass SEScalarMass The total mass of a substance in the specified compartment.
MassCleared SEScalarMass The total mass of a substance cleared in the specified compartment.
MassDeposited SEScalarMass The total mass of a substance deposited on the wall of the compartment.
MassExcreted SEScalarMass The total mass of a substance excreted in the specified compartment.
Molarity SEScalarAmountPerVolume The molarity of a substance in the specified compartment.
PartialPressure SEScalarPressure The partial pressure of a substance in the specified compartment.
Saturation SEScalar0To1 The saturation of a substance in the specified compartment. (if applicable, like O2 and CO2)


The quantity of a gas substance in a gas compartment.

Property Name Type Definition
PartialPressure SEScalarPressure The partial pressure of a substance in the specified compartment.
Volume SEScalarVolume The total volume of a substance in the specified compartment.
VolumeFraction SEScalar0To1 The amount of a substcane in the specified comparment as a fraction of all substance volume.


Property Name Type Definition
NullState Enum
Solid Enum
Liquid Enum
Gas Enum
Molecular Enum


Ionic state.

Property Name Type Definition
NullIonicState Enum
Acid Enum
Base Enum
Neutral Enum
WeakBase Enum


Binding protien type.

Property Name Type Definition
NullBindingProtein Enum
AAG Enum
Albumin Enum
Lipoprotein Enum

The following tables describe anatomical compartments


Property Name Type Definition
Heat SEScalarEnergy
HeatTransferRateIn SEScalarPower
HeatTransferRateOut SEScalarPower
Name String
Temperature SEScalarTemperature


Property Name Type Definition
InFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime
Name String
OutFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime
Pressure SEScalarPressure
Volume SEScalarVolume


Property Name Type Definition
AcidicPhospohlipidConcentration SEScalarMassPerMass
MatrixVolume SEScalarVolume
Name String
NeutralLipidsVolumeFraction SEScalar0To1
NeutralPhospholipidsVolumeFraction SEScalar0To1
TissueToPlasmaAlbuminRatio SEScalar
TissueToPlasmaAlphaAcidGlycoproteinRatio SEScalar
TissueToPlasmaLipoproteinRatio SEScalar
TotalMass SEScalarMass


Property Name Type Definition
InFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime
Name String
OutFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime
Pressure SEScalarPressure
SubstanceQuantities List of SEGasSubstanceQuantity GasSubstanceQuantityTable
Volume SEScalarVolume


Property Name Type Definition
InFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime
Name String
OutFlow SEScalarVolumePerTime
PH SEScalar
Pressure SEScalarPressure
SubstanceQuantities List of SELiquidSubstanceQuantity LiquidSubstanceQuantityTable
Volume SEScalarVolume

The following tables describe a simulation scenario


Property Name Type Definition
Description String
EngineState String
Name String
PatientConfiguration SEPatientConfiguration PatientConfigurationTable


The following tables describe general enumerations


Enumeration for left/right side.

Property Name Type Definition
NullSide Enum Not provided.
Left Enum Left side.
Right Enum Right side.


Enumeration for an open/closed gate.

Property Name Type Definition
NullGate Enum Not provided.
Open Enum Gate is open.
Closed Enum Gate is closed.


Enumeration for a on/off switch.

Property Name Type Definition
NullSwitch Enum Not provided.
Off Enum Switch is off.
On Enum Switch is on.


Enumeration for electrical charge.

Property Name Type Definition
NullCharge Enum Not provided.
Negative Enum Charge is negative.
Neutral Enum Charge is neutral.
Positive Enum Charge is positive.

Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

See accompanying NOTICE file for details.