
A hemorrhage is the loss of blood escaping from the circulatory system. Typically, a healthy person can endure a loss of 10 to 15 percent of the total blood volume without serious medical difficulties. More...


 Compartments Supporting External Hemorrhages.
 A hemothorax is an abnormal collection of blood in the pleural space that separates the lung from the chest wall.


**defgroup HemorrhageData_PatientAction PatientAction *defgroup HemorrhageData_Compartment Compartment *defgroup HemorrhageData_Type Type *defgroup HemorrhageData_FlowRate FlowRate *brief The flow rate of blood exiting the specified compartment Set to zero to stop the bleeding rate *defgroup HemorrhageData_Severity Severity *brief Scale of affect
**defgroup HemorrhageData_PatientAction PatientAction *defgroup HemorrhageData_Compartment Compartment *defgroup HemorrhageData_Type Type *defgroup HemorrhageData_FlowRate FlowRate *brief The flow rate of blood exiting the specified compartment Set to zero to stop the bleeding rate *defgroup HemorrhageData_Severity Severity *brief Scale of being none

Detailed Description

A hemorrhage is the loss of blood escaping from the circulatory system. Typically, a healthy person can endure a loss of 10 to 15 percent of the total blood volume without serious medical difficulties.

Variable Documentation

◆ affect

**defgroup HemothoraxData_PatientAction PatientAction *defgroup HemothoraxData_Side Side *brief ref eSideTable *defgroup HemothoraxData_Severity Severity *brief Scale of affect

◆ none

**defgroup HemothoraxData_PatientAction PatientAction *defgroup HemothoraxData_Side Side *brief ref eSideTable *defgroup HemothoraxData_Severity Severity *brief Scale of being none

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See accompanying NOTICE file for details.