
Concentration of added aerosolized substances. More...


 The fraction of gas in the mouth/nose that is carbon dioxide at the end of each respiratory cycle.
 The fraction of gas in the mouth/nose that is oxygen at the end of each respiratory cycle.
 Instantaneous pressure applied during positive-pressure mechanical ventilation.
 The pulmonary compliance during periods of gas flow.
 The pressure of gas in the mouth/nose that is carbon dioxide at the end of each respiratory cycle.
 The pressure of gas in the mouth/nose that is oxygen at the end of each respiratory cycle.
 Instantaneous airflow out of the lungs (negative value when inhaling).
 The volume of air moved into or out of the lungs during normal expiration.
 The ratio of the length of time of inspiration to the length of time of expiration.
 The instantaneous airflow into the lungs (negative value when exhaling).
 The volume of air moved into or out of the lungs during normal inspiration.
 The alveolar pressure at the end of expiration - also known as auto-PEEP, air trapping, or dynamic hyperinflation.
 The fraction of gas volume lost during the ventilation cycle determined from the air volume in and out difference.
 Mean pressure applied during positive-pressure mechanical ventilation.
 The highest pressure applied to the lungs (alveolar pressure) above atmospheric pressure during inhalation.
 The pressure applied by the ventilator measured at end-inspiration with an inspiratory hold maneuver.
 Extrinsic pressure above atmosphere at the end of exhalation.
 The total resistance to airflow through the lungs.
 The frequency of the respiratory cycle.
 The pulmonary compliance during periods without gas flow.
 The volume of air moved into or out of the lungs during normal respiration.
 The total volume of air within the lungs at any given time.
 The amount of air that enters the lungs as a function of time - can be used for minute ventilation.
 The amount of air that enters the lungs as a function of time - can be used for minute ventilation.

Detailed Description

Concentration of added aerosolized substances.

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