Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 1234]
 eMergeTypeEnumeration for how to apply action data (Such as configurations)
 eAppliedRespiratoryCycleEnumeration for when to apply actions related to the respiratory cycle
 ActionDataApply once the action is received
 OverridesDataGive an ID to the segment of data, useful when writing more than one time set
 AnesthesiaMachineChamberDataA vaporization chamber that can be filled with a particular substance for inhalation
 AnesthesiaMachineOxygenBottleDataA bottle of Oxygen
 AnesthesiaMachineDataAmount of oxygen in the bottle
 AnesthesiaMachineConfigurationDataThe configuration of the anesthesia machine to use
 AnesthesiaMachineExpiratoryValveLeakDataA leak in the expiritory valve
 AnesthesiaMachineExpiratoryValveObstructionDataAn obstruction in the expiritory valve
 AnesthesiaMachineInspiratoryValveLeakDataA leak in the inspiratory valve
 AnesthesiaMachineInspiratoryValveObstructionDataAn obstruction in the inspiritory valve
 AnesthesiaMachineMaskLeakDataA leak in the mask
 AnesthesiaMachineSodaLimeFailureDataA soda lime failure
 AnesthesiaMachineTubeCuffLeakDataA leak in the tube cuff
 AnesthesiaMachineVaporizerFailureDataThe vaporizer fails
 AnesthesiaMachineVentilatorPressureLossDataThe ventilator losses pressure
 AnesthesiaMachineYPieceDisconnectDataThe Y Piece becomes disconnected
 AnesthesiaMachineOxygenWallPortPressureLossDataThe wall port losses oxygen pressure
 AnesthesiaMachineOxygenTankPressureLossDataThe active oxygen tank losses pressure
 BagValveMaskConfigurationDataThe configuration of the bag valve mask to use
 BagValveMaskAutomatedDataSpecify a single squeeze cycle of the bag. Repeat as needed. Newly added actions will override a previous unfinished squeeze cycle
 BagValveMaskSqueezeDataSpecify a single squeeze cycle of the bag. Repeat as needed. Newly added actions will override a previous unfinished squeeze cycle
 BagValveMaskInstantaneousDataBVM action to be used when connecting to hardware sensors or specifying your own waveform. Values will remain constant until explicitly changed
 BlackBoxVolumePerTimeDataProvided to the black box
 ConfigurationData_GastrointestinalConfigurationDataFile containing an environment conditions objet with properties to set in the environmental conditions
 ConfigurationData_NervousConfigurationDataFile containing an stomach contents objet with properties to set in the
 ECMODataSet specific substance concentrations in the oxygenator
 ECMOConfigurationDataThe configuration of the ECMO to use
 eElectroCardioGramWaveformTypeA waveform type can be used for 1 or more eHeartRhythms
 ElectroCardioGramDataGeneric ECG machine to assess the heart rhythm
 EngineInitializationStatusListDataHow long did stabilization take, 0 if a state was loaded
 DataRequestDataNot provided, let the system do what it wants
 DataRequestManagerDataIf writing to a file, the unit the data will be in
 DataRequestedData_SegmentDataA unique id associated with this engine, required when using pools
 EngineInitializationListDataKeep event changes from engine, used when building DataRequested objects
 TimedStabilizationDataStatic timed stabilization lengths
 DynamicStabilizationPropertyConvergenceDataA properties target percent difference allowed
 DynamicStabilizationEngineConvergenceDataA properties convergence timing
 DynamicStabilizationDataDynamic stabilization parameters
 eSideEnumeration for left/right side
 eGateEnumeration for an open/closed gate
 eSwitchEnumeration for a on/off switch
 eChargeEnumeration for electrical charge
 eBreathStateEnumeration for equipment to inform about what and how the current breath is
 eDefaultTypeEnumeration for how to set optional data
 eDriverWaveformEnumeration for driver shapes
 EnvironmentalConditionsDataThe environmental conditions surrounding the patient
 ActiveConditioningDataEquipment or clothing activly changing the surounding environment of the patient
 AppliedTemperatureDataEquipment or clothing activly changing the skin temperature of the patient
 EnvironmentDataThe overall environment of the patient
 ChangeEnvironmentalConditionsDataThe environment conditions to change
 ThermalApplicationDataCreate an external heat source
 InitialEnvironmentalConditionsDataThe configuration of the environment to use during stabilization
 InhalerDataGeneric inhaler for substance administration
 MechanicalVentilatorDataConcentration of added aerosolized substances
 AnyEquipmentActionDataAnesthesia machine action container
 ActiveEventDataAn active event, and how long it has been active
 ActiveEventListDataThe duration since last activated
 EventChangeDataActive Events and their duration
 EventChangeListDataIf the event is active or not
 InhalerConfigurationDataThe configuration of the inhaler to use
 UnstructuredTextPropertyData_ePropertyTypeEnumeration for property type
 MechanicalVentilatorConfigurationDataThe configuration of the mechanical ventilator to use
 MechanicalVentilatorHoldDataHow to apply provided configuration to internal data model
 MechanicalVentilatorLeakDataWhen, in the respiratory cycle, to apply the hold. Not used if Switch is Off
 MechanicalVentilatorModeDataSeverity of the Leak, 0 = Off
 MechanicalVentilatorPressureControlDataOPTIONAL Time to reach PIP
 MechanicalVentilatorVolumeControlDataOPTIONAL Time to reach PIP
 PatientDataData used to configure the patient
 PatientData_eSexEnumeration for patient sex
 AcuteStressDataFight or flight. The body prepares to defend itself
 AirwayObstructionDataA blockage of the Airway leading to no respiration/air flow in or out of the body
 BrainInjuryDataA non-localized traumatic brain injury
 BrainInjuryData_eTypeTypes of Brain Injury that provided different nervous responses
 BronchoconstrictionDataConstriction of the airways in the lungs due to tightening of surrounding smooth muscle
 CardiovascularMechanicsModificationDataModify the Cardiovascular mechanics
 ChestCompressionDataA single CPR compression to the chest cavity in order to pump blood through the heart
 ChestCompressionAutomatedDataReoccuring CPR chest compressions to pump blood through the heart
 ChestCompressionInstantaneousDataCPR action to be used when connecting to hardware sensors or specifying your own waveform. Force will remain constant until explicitly changed
 ChestOcclusiveDressingDataApplies an occlusive dressing to either the left or right side of the chest. An occlusive dressing is an air and water-tight trauma dressing that provides immediate control of pressure and bleeding that occurs with an open pneumothorax
 ChronicObstructivePulmonaryDiseaseExacerbationDataWorsen the effects of the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease condition
 DyspneaDataReduction of achieved respiration rate and/or tidal volume by inhibiting the respiratory breathing mechanism (i.e., muscles of respiration). Maximum severity of either will stop breathing completely
 ForcedInhaleDataForce air out of the lungs
 ForcedExhaleDataForce air into the lungs
 ForcedPauseDataPause breathing at 0 pressure. There will be no inflow or out flow of air during the specified period
 UseInhalerDataAdminister a substance through an Inhaler. This command will represent a single press of an Inhaler
 ConsciousRespirationDataAn ordered list of conscious breath commands for the patient to preform
 ConsumeNutrientsDataConsume nutrients into the body
 ExerciseDataIncrease the patient's metabolic rate leading to an increase in core temperature, cardiac output, respiration rate and tidal volume
 HemorrhageDataA hemorrhage is the loss of blood escaping from the circulatory system. Typically, a healthy person can endure a loss of 10 to 15 percent of the total blood volume without serious medical difficulties
 UrinalysisMicroscopicData_eObservationTypeEnumeration for the observation type
 UrinalysisMicroscopicData_eObservationAmountEnumeration for the observation amount
 UrinalysisDataAmount of yeasts viewed
 UrinalysisData_ePresenceIndicatorEnumeration for presence of a substance
 UrinalysisData_eClarityIndicatorEnumeration for clarity of a substance
 UrinalysisData_eUrineColorEnumeration for color of urine
 AcuteRespiratoryDistressSyndromeDataA type of respiratory failure characterized by rapid onset of widespread inflammation in the lungs
 ChronicAnemiaDataCondition characterized by reduced red blood cells, which leads to reduced oxygen carrying capacity. Implemented by reducing the amount of hemoglobin in the blood
 ChronicVentricularSystolicDysfunctionDataImpairment of the ventricular contraction, reducing the ability of the heart to pump blood
 ChronicObstructivePulmonaryDiseaseDataChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is an obstructive lung disease characterized by chronically reduced airflow into the lungs. Unlike asthma, the reduction in airflow does not generally improve with medication. When tissue damage occurs primarily in the airways, the condition is called chronic bronchitis. When tissue destruction is focused in the alveoli, the condition is called emphysema. COPD is a manifestation of both conditions, although one condition may dominate
 ChronicPericardialEffusionDataPericardial effusion ("fluid around the heart") is an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the pericardial cavity. Because of the limited amount of space in the pericardial cavity, fluid accumulation leads to an increased intrapericardial pressure which can negatively affect heart function. A pericardial effusion with enough pressure to adversely affect heart function is called cardiac tamponade. Pericardial effusion usually results from a disturbed equilibrium between the production andre-absorption of pericardial fluid, or from a structural abnormality that allows fluid to enter the pericardial cavity. Normal levels of pericardial fluid are from 15 to 50 mL
 ChronicRenalStenosisDataNarrowing of the renal artery
 ConsumeMealDataConsume nutrients into the body along with a time elapsed since this meal
 DehydrationDataA lack of total body water. This model is nearly isotonic as if fluid was lost through excessive sweating
 ImpairedAlveolarExchangeDataGeneric way to specify the effectiveness of alveolar exchange
 PneumoniaDataPneumonia is a form of pneumonia that affects one or more lobes of the lungs. As fluid fills portions of the lung it becomes more difficult to breath and the gas diffusion surface area in the alveoli is reduced
 PulmonaryFibrosisDataPulmonary Fibrosis is a restrictive lung disease that results in increase in the connective tissue of the lung. This reduces the lung compliance making it difficult to expand the lung during inspiration
 PulmonaryShuntDataPulmonary shunt is when the alveoli of the lungs are perfused with blood as normal, but ventilation (the supply of air) fails to supply the perfused region
 SepsisDataA potentially life-threatening condition caused by the body's response to an infection
 NutritionDataNutritional information for eating
 MealDataSpecify an amount of time to digest the specified nutrition information
 ParameterIterationDataIterate 1 property at a time, hold other properties to their slice index value
 PatientIterationDataDirectory to generate states in
 TCCCIterationDataMaximum amount of time to run this scenario
 CardiovascularMechanicsModifiersDataPartial pressure of oxygen in the vena cava
 RespiratoryMechanicsDataA set of properties to specify and customize the respiratory circuit and driver
 RespiratoryMechanicsModifiersDataSpontaneous breathing remaining time at 0 pressure after completed waveform
 eLungCompartmentUpdates the volume in the specified lung compartment (e.g., dead space)
 TissueSystemDataProvides data pertaining to the extracellular and intracelluar space
 PlotConfigDataData used to configure plots
 PlotConfigData_eLegendModeEnumeration for legend modes
 PlotConfigData_ePercentageOfBaselineModeEnumeration for percentage of baseline modes
 PlotConfigData_eTickStyleEnumeration for tick style
 PlotConfigData_eYBoundsModeEnumeration for Y-bounds modes
 PlotConfigData_SciLimitsDataIf scientific tick style is used, only apply scientific notation outside of the range 10^M to 10^N
 PlotSourceDataData used to configure a plot source
 ComparePlotterDataData used to configure x vs y plots
 ComparePlotterData_ePlotTypeEnumeration for plot types
 MultiHeaderSeriesPlotterDataData used to configure x vs y plots
 MultiHeaderSeriesPlotterData_SeriesDataSpecify the series that you want to plot (separate plots)
 MonitorPlotterDataData used to configure monitor plots
 BoundsDataData used to specify bounds
 ImagePropertyDataData used to specify image property data
 ImagePropertyData_eDimensionModeDimension modes
 ScalarDataA unitless scalar
 Scalar0To1DataA unitless scalar greater or equal to 0 and less that or equal to 1
 ScalarNegative1To1DataA unitless scalar greater or equal to -1 and less that or equal to 1
 ScalarUnsignedDataAn unsigned scalar greater or equal to 0
 ScalarAmountDataA scalar for holding amount quantities (ex. ct, mol)
 ScalarAmountPerMassDataA scalar for holding amount per mass quantities (ex. mol/g)
 ScalarAmountPerTimeDataA scalar for holding amount per time quantities (ex. mol/min)
 ScalarAmountPerVolumeDataA scalar for holding amount per volume quantities (ex. mol/L)
 ScalarAreaDataA scalar for holding area quantities (ex. m^2)
 ScalarAreaPerTimePressureDataA scalar for holding area per time quantities (ex. m^2/s)
 ScalarElectricCapacitanceDataA scalar for holding electric capacitance quantities (ex. F)
 ScalarElectricChargeDataA scalar for holding electric charge quantities (ex. C)
 ScalarElectricCurrentDataA scalar for holding electric current quantities (ex. A)
 ScalarElectricPotentialDataA scalar for holding electric potential quantities (ex. V)
 ScalarElectricInductanceDataA scalar for holding electric inductance quantities (ex. H)
 ScalarElectricResistanceDataA scalar for holding electric resistance quantities (ex. ohm)
 ScalarEnergyDataA scalar for holding energy quantities (ex. J)
 ScalarEnergyPerAmountDataA scalar for holding energy per amount quantities (ex. J/mol)
 ScalarEnergyPerMassDataA scalar for holding energy per mass quantities (ex. J/kg)
 ScalarEquivalentWeightPerVolumeDataA scalar for holding equivalent weight(mass / substance atomic weight * valence) per volume (ex. mEq/L)
 ScalarForceDataA scalar for holding force quantities (ex. N)
 ScalarFrequencyDataA scalar for holding frequency quantities (ex. 1/s)
 ScalarHeatCapacitanceDataA scalar for holding heat capacitance quantities (ex. J/K)
 ScalarHeatCapacitancePerAmountDataA scalar for holding heat capacitance per amount quantities (ex. J/K mol)
 ScalarHeatCapacitancePerMassDataA scalar for holding heat capacitance per mass quantities (ex. J/K kg)
 ScalarHeatConductanceDataA scalar for holding heat conductance quantities (ex. W/K)
 ScalarHeatConductancePerAreaDataA scalar for holding heat conductance per area quantities (ex. W/m^2 K)
 ScalarHeatInductanceDataA scalar for holding heat inductance quantities (ex. K s/W)
 ScalarHeatResistanceDataA scalar for holding heat resistance quantities (ex. K/W)
 ScalarHeatResistanceAreaDataA scalar for holding heat resistance area quantities (ex. rsi)
 ScalarInversePressureDataA scalar for holding inverse pressure quantities (ex. 1/Pa)
 ScalarInverseVolumeDataA scalar for holding inverse volume quantities (ex. 1/L)
 ScalarLengthDataA scalar for holding length quantities (ex. ft)
 ScalarLengthPerTimeDataA scalar for holding length per time quantities (ex. ft/s)
 ScalarLengthPerTimePressureDataA scalar for holding length per time per pressure quantities (ex. m/s mmHg)
 ScalarMassDataA scalar for holding mass quantities (ex. g)
 ScalarMassPerAmountDataA scalar for holding mass per amount quantities (ex. g/mol)
 ScalarMassPerAreaTimeDataA scalar for holding mass per time quantities (ex. ug/s)
 ScalarMassPerMassDataA scalar for holding mass per mass quantities (ex. ug/kg)
 ScalarMassPerTimeDataA scalar for holding mass per time quantities (ex. ug/s)
 ScalarMassPerVolumeDataA scalar for holding mass per volume quantities (ex. ug/mL)
 ScalarOsmolalityDataA scalar for holding osmolality quantities (ex. Osm/kg)
 ScalarOsmolarityDataA scalar for holding osmolarity quantities (ex. Osm/L)
 ScalarPowerPerAreaTemperatureToTheFourthDataA scalar for holding Radiative Heat Transfer Powers such as Stefan Boltzman quantities (ex. W / m^2 K^4)
 ScalarPressureDataA scalar for holding pressure quantities (ex. mmHg)
 ScalarPressurePerVolumeDataA scalar for holding pressure per volume quantities (ex. mmHg/mL)
 ScalarPressureTimePerVolumeAreaDataA scalar for holding pressure time area per volume quantities (ex. dyn s /cm^5 m^2)
 ScalarPressureTimePerAreaDataA scalar for holding pressure time per area quantities (ex. mmHg s/m2)
 ScalarPressureTimePerVolumeDataA scalar for holding pressure time per volume quantities (ex. Pa s/m^3)
 ScalarPressureTimeSquaredPerVolumeDataA scalar for holding pressure time squared per volume quantities (ex. mmHg s^2/mL)
 ScalarTimeDataA scalar for holding time quantities (ex. s)
 ScalarTemperatureDataA scalar for holding temperature quantities (ex. degC)
 ScalarVolumeDataA scalar for holding volume quantities (ex. mL)
 ScalarVolumePerTimeDataA scalar for holding volume per time quantities (ex. mL/s)
 ScalarVolumePerPressureDataA scalar for holding volume per pressure quantities (ex. mL/cmH2O)
 ScalarVolumePerTimeAreaDataA scalar for holding volume per time per area quantities (ex. mL/s cm2 g)
 ScalarVolumePerTimeMassDataA scalar for holding volume per time per mass quantities (ex. mL/s g)
 ScalarVolumePerTimePressureDataA scalar for holding volume per time per pressure quantities (ex. "mL/s mmHg)
 ScalarVolumePerTimePressureAreaDataA scalar for holding volume per time per pressure per are quantities (ex. "mL/s mmHg cm2)
 FunctionVolumeVsTimeDataVolumes as a function of time
 FunctionElectricPotentialVsTimeDataElectric potential as a function of time
 HistogramDataTwo arrays paired where the independent list is 1 + the length of the dependent list, for bins
 HistogramFractionVsLengthDataTwo arrays paired where the length list is 1 + the length of the fraction list, for bins
 eScenarioExecutionStateA list of directories to find any data request files referenced in the scenario
 ScenarioExecStatusListDataWas there a FatalError running the engine
 SubstanceAerosolizationDataData for if a substance was to be aerosolizized
 SubstancePhysicochemicalsData_eIonicStateIonic state
 SubstancePhysicochemicalsData_eBindingProteinBinding protien type
 SubstancePharmacokineticsDataData associated with movement of drugs within the body
 SubstanceFractionDataA fractional amount associated with a substance
 SubstanceConcentrationDataA concentration amount associated with a substance
 SubstanceDataThe concentration of the substance
 SubstanceCompoundDataA compound made up of several substances
 SubstanceQuantityDataBasic Substance Quantity
 GasSubstanceQuantityDataThe quantity of a gas substance in a gas compartment
 LiquidSubstanceQuantityDataThe quantity of a solid,liquid, or gas substance in a liquid compartment
 TissueSubstanceQuantityDataThe quantity of a solid,liquid, or gas substance in a tissue compartment
 SegmentValidationTargetDataSpecification string for floating point formatting of computed values in tables
 TimeSeriesValidationTargetListDataShould the target value change due to patient properties, if false, the expected value is only valid for standard patients
 PatientTimeSeriesValidationListDataKey is intended to be a table name, and the list is the table content
 Common CDM Method DefinitionsDoxygen comments for common Common Data Model methods that most CDM classes have

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